The IPY International Programme Office (IPO) is collecting IPY images with the intention of creating an ' IPY memoir collection'. Please join in if you would like your photos included — they don't need to be of professional quality or of particular content, just images that reflect your experience of IPY. We are especially looking for images of IPY participants, whether at meetings, in the office or lab, or in the field.
Please choose a maximum of 15 images per contributor, and also supply metadata to put the images in context.
By supplying your images, you allow them to be freely accessible on the internet for download and wider use. We propose that the photographs included in this project be given a "Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported" Creative Commons license.
If you want to participate, here's what to do:
We'll need both the photographs and the metadata. Contributing your images is thus a two-step process:
1. Upload your photos.
- Photos should be high resolution (>1000 pixels across), preferably in the JPEG format, compressed at medium or higher quality.
- Collect your photographs in a folder, and then compress the folder into a ZIP file. (On a Mac, option-click on the folder and select "compress". On a PC, use any number of free ZIP compression utilities.)
- Upload your ZIP file. Go to this URL in a web browser and click on the upload button. Uploading large files should be no problem.
- As soon as we have your file, we will remove it from the internet disk and confirm receipt with you.
2. Provide data about your photos.
- For your photograph collection, we need the following metadata. Items with a (*) are essential information.
collection title (*)
collection caption
author (*)
contact email (*)
author website URL
- For each photograph, we'd like the following metadata. Items with a (*) are essential information
photo filename (*):
photo title (*):
photo caption:
photo copyright info (*):
location name:
- We hope to also create a georeferenced layer of photographs for Google Earth, so if you also have precise location coordinates for your photos, please add them.
latitude (decimal)
longitude (decimal)
- We have created a spreadsheet template to facilitate sending us this information. You can either download the Excel version, add the information and upload it or send it to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ; or if you have a Google account, make a copy of this Google Spreadsheet, add your information, and then share it with This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , so that we can access it.
Thanks for contributing!
Please contact Rhian Salmon ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ) if you have questions about this activity.