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Thursday, 22 January 2009 07:16
Draft Resource Book Documents
Draft documents for the IPY Education Working Group to edit, concerning development of the Polar Resource Book. If you have questions about this project, please contact Karen Edwards (
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) ALL DOCUMENTS ARE DRAFT, please do not circulate unless within the Education Working Group, or with their consent. Promotion Resource Book Poster (low res) Contributions Did you develop or adopt a new polar science activity or program for your students or c...
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Friday, 18 January 2008 07:31
The Last Polar Bear: Facing the Truth of a Warming World
The Last Polar Bear records and celebrates one of nature’s most majestic creatures — the polar bear — and examines how global warming is affecting the fragile, complex Arctic environment.
Polar bears use sea ice to move about, find mates and hunt for seals. As temperatures warm, the loss of the pack ice directly impacts their ability to survive. Scientists agree that Arctic ice is disappearing at an alarming rate. Last summer, sea ice levels plummeted to their lowest since satellite measurements began in 1979. And a new scientific study by the U.S. Geological Survey, released last fall, predicts that two-thirds of the world’s polar bears, including Alaska’s entire population, may disapp...
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Monday, 11 June 2007 22:22
Why Are the Polar Ice Caps Melting? The Dangers of Global Warming
A new book for children focusing on the Global Warming has recently been published. It forms part of the “Let’s-Read-And-Find-Out Science series which explores challenging concepts for children in the primary grades.
Why Are the Polar Ice Caps Melting? The Dangers of Global Warming
Written by Anne Rockwell
Illustrated by Paul Meisel
ISBN-13: 978-0-06-054671-7
Quote on back cover:
“The earth is getting hotter, and not just in the summer. The climate in your hometown is changing. But why is this happening, and can we stop it? Read and find out!”
The pictures are engaging! The book contains an explanation of the greenhouse effect and the many ways the earth is changing or has cha...
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Monday, 04 June 2007 21:42
World Environment Day June 5th 2007: Ozzy goes Polar
OZZY GOES POLAR Ozzy and Zoe Ozone invite the World's Children to Take Action on Ozone, Climate and Pollutants Ozzy goes polar comic book launched on World Environment Day, a special day by which the UN stimulates worldwide awareness and action to protect the environment. Tromso, June 5th 2007 Ozzy Ozone is the United Nations Environment Programme's flagship illustrated booklet series for children regarding stratospheric ozone protection. It is targeted at children between 8 to 14 years old and is devoted to raising awareness about the importance of the protection of the ozone layer. This issue of Ozzy Ozone, entitled "Ozzy Goes Polar", has been prepared on the occasion of the World Environmen...
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