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Saturday, 30 December 2006 02:43
POLar study using Aircraft, Remote sensing, surface measurements and modelling of Climate, chemistry, Aerosols and Transport (POLARCAT)
"Aerosols have a large effect on radiation transmission in the Arctic troposphere, both directly and indirectly via clouds. POLARCAT will study transport to the Arctic of aerosols, as well as of air pollution more generally, from anthropogenic sources and boreal forest fires. It will address the effects of this pollution on atmospheric chemistry and climate.
POLARCAT will use a large number of aircraft, a ship, a train, surface stations, as well as satellite data and numerical models. The first campaign, from 26 March - 19 April will use two aircraft based in Longyearbyen, Spitsbergen. Other campaigns in February 2008 and summer 2008 will follow with aircraft being based at various locations throughout the Arctic and in the boreal region."
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Saturday, 30 December 2006 02:37
Glocalization – Language, Literature and Media among Inuit and Sami people
The local non-state-bearing languages found in the Arctic are used in various degrees, but are all crucial for the ethnic identity as used in communication, media, literature, etc. The question of general sustainable development in the local regions of the Arctic includes also the question of sustainable development of intellectual culture and language competence. The 'glocalization' as covering both ‘globalization’ and ‘localization’ is the process where the impact of global cultural tendencies is seen as partly opposed by local tendencies. Even at the utmost remote settings one finds the co-presence and interplay of both universalizing and particularizing tendencies. The question is how exactly globalization takes place: How much impact do local cultural policy, local media policy and local language policy have on the development? Who are the decision-makers formally as well as informally? Arctic research is important in an international perspective as it may contribute to mainstream research revealing quite different results as to ideas of identity, culture, mobility, and world view.
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Saturday, 30 December 2006 02:36
ECOGREEN: West Greenland Ecosystem
The overall focus of the ECOGREEN consortium is to establish the scientific basis for a long-term ecosystem-based management of marine resources in West Greenland. The West Greenland society relies almost entirely on marine resources for industrial as well as subsistence utilisation. Today, the West Greenland marine ecosystem is very productive and sustains fisheries which contribute 95% of Greenland’s total export value. The Greenland Marine ecosystem also sustains seals and whales who feed in the area during summer, and, from the entire North Atlantic, seabirds by the million find a critical winter habitat resource in the ice-free area. Human use of the West Greenland marine ecosystem presents a complex mosaic of small- and large-scale commercial fishing, as well as subsistence and recreational fishing and hunting.
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Saturday, 30 December 2006 02:31
The Greenland Ice Sheet: Stability, History and Evolution
The Greenland Ice Sheet is an outstanding archive of information about what the Earth’s climate was like in the past, and the water locked in its ice will have a major impact on sea level rise due to climate change. Because of this, understanding how Greenland will react to global warming is crucially important. By gathering seismic data, ice cores and using radar, laser ranging and echo sounders, this project will shed new light on the Greenland Ice Sheet and improve scientists’ ability to model how it will react to climate change.
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Saturday, 30 December 2006 02:22
Arctic Energy Summit
International summit and working group conference on the development and deployment of energy resources in the Arctic including remote and rural villages
Focusing on the Arctic as an emerging energy province, the Arctic Energy Summit is comprised of a web-based educational program, an international technology conference to be held in Anchorage, Alaska Oct. 14-18, 2007 and the creation of an arctic energy task force to develop a vision and programmatic way forward related to the development and deployment of Arctic energy.
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Saturday, 30 December 2006 02:25
Circumpolar Center for Learning and Indigenous Knowledge Systems
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Saturday, 30 December 2006 02:15
Complex monitoring and elaboration of IAS on Polar PAS
Project is offered by Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute. The main task of the project is development and introduction of the program of complex monitoring and system of PAs information supply. Ecological researches are planned on the territory of the reserves heavily affected by pollution: the Kostomukshskii and the Pasvik nature reserves. The importance of ecological monitoring in the Arctic and Subarctic zones is connected with a low level of stability of the Arctic, Sub arctic and northern Taiga ecosystems under the pressure of anthropogenic load. The social importance of results consists in with improvement of quality of Pas management.
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Saturday, 30 December 2006 02:11
IPY-CARE: Climate of the Arctic and its role for Europe/Arctic System Reanalysis
Climate of the Arctic and its role for Europe/Arctic System Reanalysis
The overall objective of IPY-CARE (International Polar Year - Climate of the Arctic and its Role for Europe) is to create, co-ordinate and prepare a Pan-European science and implementation plan for Arctic climate change and ecosystems research programme as contribution to the International Polar Year.
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