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Wednesday, 16 May 2007 22:03
Culinary Art Project "Arctic Connection" for International Polar Year.
Arctic Connection is a culinary project to be launched at the end of May. It is a co-production between executive chef Ben Hardeman from Le Meridien Hotel "Des Indes" and artist Ap Verheggen. The International Polar Year of 2007 and 2008 will draw more attention towards the Arctic and her inhabitants. This project is an innovating collaboration between the Dutch artist Ap Verheggen and chef Ben Hardeman. It is built out of two components; the design of the tableware and the unique composition of the menu. Both are inspired by the recent Arctic situation. It has resulted in one of the leading culinary-art pr...
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Monday, 23 April 2007 22:38
A weblog for all IPY-NL science expeditions
One of the main projects to present polar science to a wide audience in The Netherlands is the development of a weblog for all IPY-NL science expeditions. A Dutch public broadcasting corporation
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Monday, 23 April 2007 01:58
IPY-NL project posters
Posters introducing 14 different IPY-NL research projects can be downloaded in PDF format from the IPY NL website.
Posters contributions include
- a general introductions to the international IPY projects: ‘Tarantella’, ‘Bird Health’, ‘Lashipa’, ‘NORCLIM’, ‘Aliens’
- Dutch contributions to IPY projects: ‘Glaciodyn’, ‘ORACLE-O3’, ‘POLAR-AOD’, ‘IPY Geotraces’ and ‘PAME’.
The posters were presented in November 2006 at an IPY-NL information meeting in The Hague, The Netherlands.
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Monday, 23 April 2007 01:18
Expedition Lapland for Dutch secondary school children
The Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam annually organizes a final year project report contest for secondary school children to get the school youth interested in arctic ecology, specifically in global change impacts at high latitudes.
The prize winners (2 in total) win a one-week trip to Lapland. They join in with excursions and ongoing climate change research in Abisko, N Sweden and adjacent Norway. They participate in an expedition team with Vrije Universiteit teachers Dr. Hans Cornelissen and Dr. Matty Berg who both conduct IPY research in the area.
The days in Abisko include
a brief but genuine participation in actual current research on global warming impacts on peatlands, centred on our long-te...
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