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Canada IPY
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Wednesday, 15 April 2009 09:29
International Polar Year (IPY) Canada Award for Excellence in Northern Science Journalism
NEW! International Polar Year (IPY) Canada Award for Excellence in Northern Science Journalism Deadline: April 17, 2009 Prize: $2,500 Entry form: Competitors must be Canadian citizens or residents of Canada. Submissions must be original material published during the 2008 calendar year in English or French. The article must refer to or include reference to research conducted in Canada as part of International Polar Year (IPY) and should raise awareness and generate interest n Canada’s contribution to Arctic research. Submissions must b...
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Tuesday, 17 February 2009 23:06
Oceans and Marine Life Polar Day event in Canada
Version Française
March 18, 2009 – International Polar Day – “Oceans and Marine Life”
“Oceans and Marine Life Polar Day”, an International Polar Year (IPY) webcast event, is taking place live on March 18, 2009, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., originating from the theatre of the Museum of Civilization in Gatineau, Quebec.
The webcast will include presentations about marine mammal research including satellite tagging of beluga whales, and a live link to researchers on the ice of the Beaufort Sea examining key big-picture science issues about air-surface chemical interactions in the Arctic. This event is one of several IPY education and outreach activities focussing on ocean science in the Polar Regions taking place around...
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News And Announcements
Thursday, 04 September 2008 21:53
International Polar Year IV: Context and Promise, A Second-Year Course Yukon College and University
Course Announcement, 15 September - 15 December 2008
For further information, please go to:
Or contact Amanda Graham, Email:
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Yukon College and University of the Arctic announce the Fall 2008 international offering of the online course, International Polar Year IV: Context and Promise.
This second-year-level, multidisciplinary course presents an overview of the historical and scientific context of the fourth International Polar Year 2007-2008 and offers an examination of its development, planning, and execution. T...
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Saturday, 19 July 2008 02:09
Environment Canada launches IPY web site
A 150-meter ice core pulled from the McCall Glacier in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge this summer may offer researchers their first quantitative look at up to two centuries of climate change in the region.
The core, which is longer than 1 1/2 football fields, is the longest extracted from an arctic glacier in the United States, according to Matt Nolan, an associate professor at the University of Alaska Fairbanks Institute of Northern Engineering who has led research at McCall Glacier for the past six years. The sample spans the entire depth of the glacier and may cover 200 years of history, he said.
“What we hope is that the climate record will extend back into the Little Ice Age,” said Nolan. “Up until the late 1800s these glaciers were actually gr...
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Friday, 16 May 2008 00:41
The Expeditions of the First International Polar Year 1882-83 (by William Barr)
The Arctic Institute of North America has released an updated version a classic monograph that describes the expeditions of the First International Polar Year (IPY) of 1882-1883. The book by Institute research associate Bill Barr, The Expeditions of the First International Polar Year 1882-83, was first published in 1985 and focuses on the 14 expeditions that made up the first IPY.
The book is available from the Arctic Institute for Cd$28.95 plus shipping and handling. To order a copy, fill out and mail or fax the order form to the Arctic Institute of North America.
Order form link:
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News And Announcements
Thursday, 03 January 2008 16:43
3rd International Conference on Polar and Alpine Microbiology
The 3rd International Conference on Polar and Alpine Microbiology will be held in Banff, Alberta, Canada from May 11 - May 15, 2008. The meeting sessions and official accommodation will be at The Banff Centre.
Register for the conference will be via the Banff Centre
Information on the conference program, travel and other activities are available on the conference web site
Abstracts should be submitted through the conference web site.
We hope you will be able...
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