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Rhian Salmon
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Friday, 16 February 2007 02:34
IPY Press Pack
There is a variety of material available for journalists about IPY. The IPY Brochure is a colourful hand-out about IPY for a general audience. This IPY Science Summary gives an brief overview of IPY science and activities. And here are some Frequently Asked Questions about IPY. The IPY Scope of Science provides a much more in-depth account of the breadth, variety, complexity and ...
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Thursday, 15 February 2007 22:43
Submission deadline extended for 'Melting Boundaries' Student Conference
The 8th International ACUNS Student Conference on Northern Studies, titled Melting Boundaries: Carrying Out Effective Research in the Circumpolar World will be held in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada on October 19-21, 2007. We are expecting participants from around the circumpolar world, including Canada, United States, Finland, Norway, Russia, and other countries. Additionally, an International Polar Year (IPY) themed workshop will be held on Thursday October 18, 2007 to provide an opportunity for students to interact with leading Arctic and Antarctic researchers.
The intent of this conference is to showcase student rese...
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Wednesday, 14 February 2007 22:51
Education and Outreach Update Feb 07
In three weeks time, IPY will have officially started!
Every few weeks, I write to my various colleagues and contacts around the world letting them know about the latest plans for IPY Education and Outreach. Lately, this has clearly been dominated by plans for the launch on March 1st, but I'm pretty excited about the following months as well. We'll soon hopefully have packs for Press, materials for teachers, navigation of IPY via geobrowsers like Google Earth and live connection to the polar regions through various IPY partners. if you would like to know more about these activities, keep a track of this website or {encode="
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" title="let me know"} if you'd like to be added to the Teachers or Journalists email lists.
Thanks to all of you ...
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Wednesday, 14 February 2007 19:33
Opening of the Indigenous People's IPY
The permafrost regions occupy 24% of the Northern Hemisphere’s land area and all glacier-free areas of the Antarctic continent. To obtain a snapshot of ground temperatures, thawing rates, and organic carbon contents of the permafrost regions, four coordinated IPY permafrost programmes are underway, involving 50 individual projects from 28 countries and hundreds of researchers and students. Geographically, the programme includes both polar regions and covers the mountains and plateau regions of the mid- and low-latitudes.
The major focus of the programme is to observe and document current changes in permafrost conditions. These measurements serve as a baseline against which to evaluate future changes and to validate current models. Existing networks include boreholes for ...
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Friday, 09 February 2007 03:15
International Permafrost Association: IPY Press Release
The permafrost regions occupy 24% of the Northern Hemisphere’s land area and all glacier-free areas of the Antarctic continent. To obtain a snapshot of ground temperatures, thawing rates, and organic carbon contents of the permafrost regions, four coordinated IPY permafrost programmes are underway, involving 50 individual projects from 28 countries and hundreds of researchers and students. Geographically, the programme includes both polar regions and covers the mountains and plateau regions of the mid- and low-latitudes.
The major focus of the programme is to observe and document current changes in permafrost conditions. These measurements serve as a baseline against which to evaluate future changes and to validate current models. Existing networks include boreholes for ...
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Friday, 09 February 2007 03:27
IPY Science Scope Document Available On-line
If you want to get involved in International Polar Year right from the start now is your chance!! The IPY Youth Steering Committee is asking young people from around the world to write to their political leaders (and send a copy to us) about their concerns for the Polar Regions and what they personally are doing to make a difference (biking to school, recycling, starting a polar club in their school, doing a polar science project). The YSC will present these letters at the official launch of IPY in Paris on March 1st and on our website. Throughout the Polar Year we will follow up with youth to see how they are doing with their commitments. To find out more download the launch package.
Text: Melian...
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News And Announcements
Friday, 09 February 2007 02:42
The Scope of Science for the International Polar Year
Follow the below ideas or print off this Compare your Towns flyer.
Directions: Compare your town / school to a town / school in the Arctic in the Canadian, Northwest Territories using the data and images available in the Windows Around the World program.
To do the comparison complete the table below, for the Arctic town/school you may use either the Angik School located in Paulatuk (located above the tree line in the tundra) or Moose Kerr School (located in the Mackenzie River Delta within the Arctic tree line). If you live in the Arctic, how does your town / school compare to one of these other t...
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Monday, 29 January 2007 23:44
IPY Brochure Available to Download
Good news for IPY and for our Danish colleagues! The Finance Committee of the Danish Parliament has approved additional funding for IPY. The following is an unofficial translation of the official notes associated with the approval of the IPY funding: 'In 2007-2009 the International Polar Year (IPY) will take place and on this background 30,000,000 DKK will be allocated in 2007 and in 2008 in order to accentuate the IPY opportunity. The funds will supplement the current grants for Arctic research and logistics support and will be issued by the Commission for Scientific Reseach in Greenland and the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation, respectively.' For more information, visit the ...
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Monday, 29 January 2007 23:41
IPY Brochure
You can track the Polarstern research vessel in a number of ways as it traverses Antarctic waters. You can view the raw coordinate data here on's tracking map. You can also track it in Google Earth by downloading this constantly updated file from the SCAR MarBIN portal. The file in turn accesses position data from this page on the Polar View website, which al...
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Wednesday, 20 December 2006 02:22
ANDRILL drills 1000 metres: press release
ATTENTION: News, Education Editors
CONTACT: Tom Simons, University Communications, (402) 472-8514
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Lincoln, Neb., Dec. 19, 2006 -- The Antarctic Geological Drilling (ANDRILL) Program drilled to a new record depth of 1,000 meters below the seafloor from the site on the Ross Ice Shelf near Scott Base in Antarctica Dec. 16.
The depth made ANDRILL the most successful Antarctic drilling program in terms of depth and rock core recovered, breaking the previous record of 999.1 meters set in 2000 by the Ocean Drilling Program's drill ship, the Joides Resolution.
The operations team of 25 drillers, engineers and support staff are justifiably thrilled, ANDRILL Project Manager Jim Cowie said.
Antarctica New Ze...
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