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News And Announcements
Wednesday, 09 April 2008 17:09
Human & Rangifer Migrations
NOAA Probes Arctic Pollution For Global Warming Clues
NOAA — April 7 — NOAA scientists are now flying through springtime Arctic pollution to find out why the region is warming - and summertime sea ice is melting - faster than predicted. Some 35 NOAA researchers are gathering with government and university colleagues in Fairbanks, Alaska, to conduct the study through April 23. Called ARCPAC (Aerosol, Radiation, and Cloud Processes affecting Arctic Climate Change), the project is a NOAA contribution to International Polar Year 2008.
Ringed seals key to polar bears' fate: researchers
Winnipeg Free Press — Apr...
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News And Announcements
Wednesday, 02 April 2008 15:55
Seeking Answers Beneath the ice: Dr Cynan Ellis Evans on Antarctic Sub-glacial Lakes
SciencePoles recently interviewed Dr Cynan Ellis Evans of the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) on the subject of Antarctic sub-glacial lakes: Large bodies of water that have accumulated beneath the vast ice sheet of Antarctica.
In his interview, Dr Ellis Evans answers questions about how these lakes formed, how they are being studies, and what their significance is for Polar researchers including glaciologists, geologists, biologists, and paleo-climatologists. In addition, he sheds light on the nature of the international effort to research these lakes, and addresses more contentio...
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IPY Blogs
Friday, 18 January 2008 09:53
North3 Goes Live on the Internet
North3 Goes Live on the Internet
Canadian Embassy Heads of Mission:
Ralph Lysyshyn (MOSCOW)
Anna Blauveldt (REYKJAVIK)
Scott Fraser (HELSINKI)
Fredericka Gregory (COPENHAGEN)
Jillian Stirk (OSLO) and
Alexandra Volkoff (STOCKHOLM)
Date: 2008-01-10
Summary: To mark the International Polar Year, Canada's circumpolar embassies have launched an internet outreach project to engage northern youth.
Canadian embassies in COPENHAGEN, HELSINKI, MOSCOW, OSLO, REYKJAVIK and STOCKHOLM are pleased to announce that North3 is now on the internet ( These missions have collaborated...
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News And Announcements
Tuesday, 27 November 2007 16:45
Young permafrost researchers meet to address rising threats of climate change on permafrost
Permafrost underlies up to 20% of the world land surface and is highly sensitive to changes in air temperatures. Large parts of the world’s uppermost permafrost are likely to disappear with increasing global air temperatures. This can lead to the release of additional greenhouse gases (in the form of carbon dioxide and the more powerful greenhouse gas methane) to the atmosphere from carbon pools that are currently stored in the permafrost. In addition, permafrost degradation will pose threats on infrastructure built on frozen ground. Paradoxically, permafrost temperature evolution is relatively unknown and global approaches to monitor ground temperatures are lacking. The location of permafrost areas in often remote areas of the Arctic and the Antarctic makes it a challenge to provide a c...
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News And Announcements
Tuesday, 27 November 2007 01:41
Young researchers meet to address rising threats of climate change on permafrost.
Fifty young researchers from thirteen countries around the world will meet for three days (Nov. 29 – Dec. 2, 2007) in Saint-Petersburg to learn more about the latest permafrost research methods and to discuss future plans to address climate change issues in permafrost areas.
Permafrost underlies up to 20% of the world land surface and is highly sensitive to changes in air temperatures. Large parts of the world’s uppermost permafrost are likely to disappear with increasing global air temperatures. This can lead to the release of additional greenhouse gases (in the form of carbon dioxide and the more powerful greenhouse gas methane) to the atmosphere from carbon pools that are currently stored in the permafrost. In addition permafrost degradation will pose threats on infra...
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News And Announcements
Monday, 10 September 2007 23:26
Follow icebreaker Oden on the LOMROG expedition
September is a great time to study Sea Ice, in both the Arctic and the Antarctic. Below are details of three expeditions happening at the moment that welcome contact from press and educators.
Antarctic Sea Ice in IPY (ASPECT) (IPY Project 141)
ASPeCT has a number of associated expeditions investigating Sea Ice. These include:
SIPEX: Sea Ice Physics and Eco-system eXperiment
SIPEX website
International SIPEX flyer (44KB PDF)
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links and resources
Monday, 20 August 2007 06:09
The Skies of Tiksi Russia
It is August 20 in Siberia and we are in Yakutsk, Russia en route to Tiksi, Russia. "We" are a group of scientists, program managers and infrastucture development specialists from both the United States and Russia. Tiksi is a small outpost town at the mouth of the Lena River delta, and the location of a Russian Weather Service (Roshydromet) station that will now also become the location of a new meteorological and hydrological observatory. This trip is an exciting step in a program that has been developing over the last 3 years to establish Tiksi as a flagship observatory in the network being coordinated by the International Arctic Systems for Observing the Atmosphere (IASOA).
It is summer in Yakutsk and yesterday our local Roshydromet hosts took us on a boat trip on the ...
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IPY Blogs
Friday, 27 July 2007 17:19
International Conference on Permafrost, Salekhard, June 2007
Warm. This is the first word that comes to mind when attending the International Conference on Permafrost held in Salekhard in June 2007. Warmed by the legendary Russian hospitality, warmed through heated discussions among leading permafrost researchers and warmed by the burning topic of the day: the worryingly warm state of permafrost.
During five days, over 200 permafrost researchers and engineers from all over the world met to discuss the most recent developments in permafrost science and engineering in topics as varied as slope stability, coastal erosion, methane and carbon fluxes from permafrost soils or thermokarst development.
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IPY Blogs
Wednesday, 25 July 2007 16:07
Russian IPY Reports
The aims of are three-fold:
To promote Education through Expedition
To report credible eye witness accounts of climate change
To promote sustainable technology for the future.
"Through exploring remote locations around the world I aim to highlight environmental issues within the classroom. Expedition takes us to places that few people have been to. To travel to a place and experience such environments first hand is so much more powerful than reading a textbook in a classroom. Through use of film and photography I aim to share these experiences, to educate and inspire. "
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links and resources
Sunday, 22 July 2007 04:48
By ice floe to the North Pole
At the end of August, an unusual expedition under Russian leadership will leave for the Arctic Ocean. One of the participants is J
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News And Announcements