The Metsa? Tissue campaign includes
- promotional materials in shops in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Finland
- a TV-campaign during weeks 45-48
- A campaign website including KINNVIKA webdiary, environmental tips, environmental competition, and information about the donation.

The Association of Polar Early Career Scientists aims to bring together young researchers and early career scientists with an interest in Polar Regions from around the world. Polar research is inherently interdisciplinary and international. Many early career scientists, although sometimes well connected within their own specialization, often do not have strong contacts with other polar experts. This network will provide a forum for polar scientists to begin international and interdisciplinary collaborations early in their careers, fostering international science which is naturally important to polar research to improve our understanding of these systems on a global level. Please email {encode=" This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it " title="Jen Baeseman"} for more information.
For more information about the meeting, please read this APECS Information Bulletin (September 2007) describing recent organizational changes. To learn more about APECS, or join this ever-growing community, please visit the APECS website, where there is also a short video that was recorded at the meeting.

The Serla Press Release follows.
Nordic “green” paper manufacturer Metsa? Tissue gives 1 million SEK to young climate researchers
Donation will go to program for youth researching climate change in the Polar Regions.
Today Metsa? Tissue, one of Europe’s leading tissue paper manufacturers, will donate 1 million SEK (75 000 GBP) to young climate researchers working in the Polar Regions through the Cambridge-based International Polar Year (IPY). This is one of the largest environmental donations ever made in Sweden, and is also the first time the IPY International Office is accepting money from the business sector.
“Metsa? Tissue has always made it a priority to take environmental responsibility for our products and manufacturing process”, said Paavo Liestalo Senior Vice President Consumer Northern Europe at Metsa? Tissue. “The climate changes we see today and can expect in the future only serve to provide us with additional reasons to do more for the environment. The Polar Regions are where changes in the global climate are
initially apparent, and polar research is a crucial way in which we can increase our knowledge both of the world we live in and the changes in the global climate. Caring for the environment is an integral part of our business philosophy, and climate change is one of the greatest issues of our time”.
Metsa? Tissue has many products certified with the Nordic Ecolabel, including the brand Serla, among its tissue paper products. As part of this new campaign, the company is giving customers the opportunity to help contribute to Polar research. Due to the fact that the Nordic Ecolabel guarantees that Metsa? Tissue is an environmentally responsible company, this is the first time that the IPY International Office will accept a corporate contribution to its international activities.
One third of the 1 million SEK donation has already been used to organize a workshop for young Polar researchers. The workshop was held in Stockholm with more than 25 participants from around the globe. This conference gave them the opportunity to meet for the first time to compare their work and develop their plans.
“At IPY, we believe the partnership with Serla and the Nordic Ecolabel helps us bring messages of concern and action about Polar Regions, especially for the Arctic, to a very good audience”, said David Carlson, Director of the IPY’s International Programme Office, located in Cambridge. “This group of young polar researchers developed their plans and built an international network in cyberspace. But they needed a chance to meet face-to-face, and to include more people from more countries. Support from Serla gave them that opportunity, with fantastic results”.
The other two-thirds of the donation will enable extra research expeditions to Kinnvika, Svalbard. These expeditions will make possible the collection of relevant data and knowledge of the Arctic region and the effects of climate change in this area.
“Nordic Ecolabel is delighted that we have been able to provide this link between the research and business sectors in this project”, said Ragnar Unge, Managing Director at Nordic Ecolabelling in Sweden. “We also are also pleased that Metsa? Tissue has fulfilled the stringent environmental criteria necessary to qualify for our Nordic Ecolabel. This is proof that they take environmental concerns seriously.”

For media interviews and information please contact:
Piia Rysa?, Communication Manager, Metsa? Tissue
Telephone: +358 10 469 51 49 / +358 50 598 95 58
David Carlson, Director, International Programme Office, International Polar Year
Telephone: +44 (0) 1223 22 16 18 / +44 77 15 37 17 59
Anja Grundberg, Press contact for Nordic Ecolabel
Telephone: +46 8-555 524 13, Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Pictures from the award ceremony
Metsa? Tissue
Metsa? Tissue is a leading tissue paper products supplier to households and large-scale consumers in Europe. We are also the world’s leading supplier of cooking paper products. Caring for the environment is an important part of our daily work at Metsa? Tissue. The company continuously invests in product development and innovative technologies in order to introduce dynamic products to the market that evolve to best suit the needs of our customers and the environment.. Read more about Metsa? Tissue’s environmental work.
Nordic Ecolabel
The Nordic Ecolabel ?s vision is a sustainable society in which future generations can benefit from the same conditions and opportunities as we ourselves have. Our goal is to contribute to a sustainable consumerism. The Nordic Ecolabel is the official Ecolabel in the Nordic region and was established in 1989 by the Nordic Council of Ministers. It it the leading Ecolabel in the world. The Nordic Ecolabel logo is given to products and services that fulfil stringent environmental criteria and demonstrates that a product is a good environmental choice. All the products and services are quality controlled through testing, document review and one-site visits. The Nordic Ecolabel is an independent third part control organization.