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Saturday, 30 December 2006 02:22
Arctic Energy Summit
International summit and working group conference on the development and deployment of energy resources in the Arctic including remote and rural villages
Focusing on the Arctic as an emerging energy province, the Arctic Energy Summit is comprised of a web-based educational program, an international technology conference to be held in Anchorage, Alaska Oct. 14-18, 2007 and the creation of an arctic energy task force to develop a vision and programmatic way forward related to the development and deployment of Arctic energy.
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Saturday, 30 December 2006 02:15
Complex monitoring and elaboration of IAS on Polar PAS
Project is offered by Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute. The main task of the project is development and introduction of the program of complex monitoring and system of PAs information supply. Ecological researches are planned on the territory of the reserves heavily affected by pollution: the Kostomukshskii and the Pasvik nature reserves. The importance of ecological monitoring in the Arctic and Subarctic zones is connected with a low level of stability of the Arctic, Sub arctic and northern Taiga ecosystems under the pressure of anthropogenic load. The social importance of results consists in with improvement of quality of Pas management.
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Saturday, 30 December 2006 02:11
IPY-CARE: Climate of the Arctic and its role for Europe/Arctic System Reanalysis
Climate of the Arctic and its role for Europe/Arctic System Reanalysis
The overall objective of IPY-CARE (International Polar Year - Climate of the Arctic and its Role for Europe) is to create, co-ordinate and prepare a Pan-European science and implementation plan for Arctic climate change and ecosystems research programme as contribution to the International Polar Year.
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Saturday, 30 December 2006 01:38
BSSN: Bering Sea Sub-Network of Community Based Environmental Monitoring
The Bering Sea is one of the world’s most productive marine environments. More than $1.5 billion worth of fish is caught there every year. The region is now undergoing alarming environmental changes, including climate change. The local indigenous peoples led by the Aleut International Association, have put together a monitoring project to assess the nature and extent of change. Rather than relying on high-tech remote sensing, the observations will mostly be done by indigenous peoples themselves, their intimate knowledge of their local areas providing them with a finely tuned ability to detect changes, however subtle. Observations will include the shift of southern species north, changes in distribution and abundance of fish and other temperature-sensitive species, changes in ice patterns, and weather observations.
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Friday, 29 December 2006 08:27
IASOA: International Arctic Systems for Observing the Atmosphere
The International Arctic Systems for Observing the Atmosphere Program is coordinating intensive measurements of the Arctic Atmosphere in Canada, Russia, Norway, Finland, Sweden and the U.S. The focus of the program is to combine information so that it can be determined WHY and not just HOW the atmosphere is affecting Arctic climate change). The activities and partnerships initiated during the IPY are expected to continue for decades.
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Friday, 29 December 2006 08:13
UArctic - Shared Voices, Shared Knowledge for IPY
The University of the Arctic (UArctic) will provide and coordinate IPY higher education and outreach activities and services. The UArctic IPY office is located at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Our aim is to provide opportunities for Arctic indigenous people and northern residents to be active IPY participants through UArctic education programs and IPY research projects. During IPY, UArctic’s objective is to increase the participation of indigenous people and northern residents of all ages in education and research, with the ultimate, longer-term goal of increasing their representation in the ranks of scholars who have attained the Ph.D.
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Friday, 29 December 2006 06:07
AHHI: Arctic Human Health Initiative
Human Health in Arctic Regions
The AHHI is an Arctic Council IPY (2007-2008) project that will focus on the health disparities that still exist among residents of Arctic communities when compared to communities in more temporate regions, and the human health challenges that are posed by climate change, environmental pollution, and sustainable development in Arctic regions. Research will be conducted in the US Arctic (Alaska), northern Canada, Greenland/Denmark, Iceland, Norway Finland, Sweden and northern Regions of the Russian Federation.
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Friday, 29 December 2006 05:52
PPS Arctic
PPS Arctic: Present day processes, Past changes, and Spatiotemporal variability of biotic, abiotic and socio-environmental conditions and resource components along and across the Arctic delimitation zone.
PPS Arctic investigates the causes and consequences of changes in the circumarctic treeline zone, using fieldwork and remote sensing to study and model temporal and spatial aspects of ecological, social and cultural factors. Changes in the zone affect Arctic ecosystem processes, resource availability and the entire Arctic climate through changes in tree and shrub cover and in albedo, with global consequences.
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Friday, 29 December 2006 05:31
Antarctic Sea Ice in IPY
"Antarctic Sea Ice in IPY is the coordinated project for the sea ice zone surrounding Antarctica, covering over 20 million sqkm (the size of South America) at maximum extent. Our purpose is to determine, for the first time, the circumpolar year-round sea ice thicknesses in this zone. This effort requires extensive ship investigations, coordinated satellite monitoring and use of underwater technologies such as up looking sonar from moorings and use of unmanned autonomous underwater vehicles. The reflectivity or albedo of the earth's surface represents one of the main determinants of surface temperature and, Antarctic sea ice as one of the most large-scale changeable sources of reflected solar energy therefore represents a major contributor to climate and climate change."
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Friday, 29 December 2006 05:20
CLPNH: Cold Land Processes in the Northern Hemisphere
Three terrestrial components of the cryosphere: snow cover, permafrost, and small glaciers will be studied as well as their interactions with society and potential feedbacks to the Global Earth System. Within each area of research the foci of studies will be on the models’ development and creation of conditions for seamless their implementation to improve understanding and projections of environmental change and to serve numerous practical applications.
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