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Saturday, 30 December 2006 04:34
BIPOMAC: Bipolar Climate Machinery
There is now clear evidence that the effects of recent and past climate changes have varied in magnitude across of the world. Some changes over periods of thousands of years seem to have affected the Arctic and Antarctic regions alternately, and this has been called the “bipolar see-saw” effect. The BIPOMAC project will collect and examine climate records in sedimentary sequences spanning the past five million years from both polar regions. These records will provide a basis for analysing the complex interactions of environmental processes that have caused the observed patterns of climate variation. Improved understanding of such processes and their interactions will increase our ability to forecast future climate and sea level change.
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Saturday, 30 December 2006 04:11
OASIS-IPY: Ocean-Atmosphere-Sea Ice Snowpack Interactions and connections to climate change
OASIS will study the chemistry in the air over the Arctic Ocean. The health of mammals and humans is at stake, and a future change in climate will undoubtedly introduce unknown changes. OASIS will make use of a variety of platforms (icebreakers, ice islands, buoys) to obtain year-round information on the behavior of such key chemicals as ozone, mercury, and carbon dioxide. As the nature and extent of snow and ice cover is changing OASIS will assess the associated impact on, and by, climate change, and the human and ecosystem impacts of these chemicals.
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Saturday, 30 December 2006 04:07
GLACIODYN: The dynamic response of Arctic glaciers to global warming
Global Warming will have a large impact on glaciers in the Arctic region. Sea level will be affected, and substantial changes can be expected in sediment and fresh water supplies to embayments and fjords. In GLACIODYN we study the dynamics of Arctic glaciers by means of field observations, remote sensing from satellites, and computer modelling. This will deliver tools to make more accurate predictions about future changes.
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Saturday, 30 December 2006 02:51
INCATPA: INterContinental Atmospheric Transport of Anthropogenic Pollutants to the Arctic
Global Toxic Pollution, Arctic Contamination - Making the Link
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and mercury are toxic chemicals carried by air and water to the Arctic. There, they accumulate in wildlife, as well as in northern people who eat traditional foods. This project will gather information on:
·the source of these pollutants,
·how climate affects where they end up; and
·impacts on northern ecosystems and people.
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and mercury are toxic chemicals carried by air and water to the Arctic. There, they accumulate in wildlife, as well as in northern people who eat traditional foods. This project will gather information on:
·the source of these pollutants,
·how climate affects where they end up; and
·impacts on northern ecosystems and people.
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Saturday, 30 December 2006 02:43
POLar study using Aircraft, Remote sensing, surface measurements and modelling of Climate, chemistry, Aerosols and Transport (POLARCAT)
"Aerosols have a large effect on radiation transmission in the Arctic troposphere, both directly and indirectly via clouds. POLARCAT will study transport to the Arctic of aerosols, as well as of air pollution more generally, from anthropogenic sources and boreal forest fires. It will address the effects of this pollution on atmospheric chemistry and climate.
POLARCAT will use a large number of aircraft, a ship, a train, surface stations, as well as satellite data and numerical models. The first campaign, from 26 March - 19 April will use two aircraft based in Longyearbyen, Spitsbergen. Other campaigns in February 2008 and summer 2008 will follow with aircraft being based at various locations throughout the Arctic and in the boreal region."
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Saturday, 30 December 2006 02:30
PANDA: Program of Antarctic Nova Disciplines Aspects
Inter-discipline Survey along Prydz Bay, Amery Ice Shelf and Dome A
The 2000km interconnected Prydz Bay-Amery Ice Shelf-Lambert Basin-Dome A (PANDA) section in Antarctica plays an important role in Antarctic mass balance, sea level and climate change. About thirty observation systems for glaciology, oceanography, geology/geophysics, sun-earth physics, atmospheric science and astronomy will be installed and implemented along the section by the international cooperative expeditions leading by China during IPY2007-2009 and beyond.
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Saturday, 30 December 2006 02:38
AstroPoles: Astronomy from the Polar Plateaus
Because of their cold, dry and stable air, the polar regions are the finest locations on the planet for making frontline astronomical observations. AstroPoles is a 15-nation project to assess the astronomical conditions at four polar sites – Dome A and Dome C in Antarctica, and summit Station and Ellesmere Island in the Arctic. By measuring sky brightness, optical seeing, water vapour content and the meteorological conditions at these sites, AstroPoles will provide baseline data to assess what astronomical facilities could be built in the polar regions, and the kind of science they could tackle.
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Saturday, 30 December 2006 02:11
IPY-CARE: Climate of the Arctic and its role for Europe/Arctic System Reanalysis
Climate of the Arctic and its role for Europe/Arctic System Reanalysis
The overall objective of IPY-CARE (International Polar Year - Climate of the Arctic and its Role for Europe) is to create, co-ordinate and prepare a Pan-European science and implementation plan for Arctic climate change and ecosystems research programme as contribution to the International Polar Year.
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Friday, 29 December 2006 08:27
IASOA: International Arctic Systems for Observing the Atmosphere
The International Arctic Systems for Observing the Atmosphere Program is coordinating intensive measurements of the Arctic Atmosphere in Canada, Russia, Norway, Finland, Sweden and the U.S. The focus of the program is to combine information so that it can be determined WHY and not just HOW the atmosphere is affecting Arctic climate change). The activities and partnerships initiated during the IPY are expected to continue for decades.
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Friday, 29 December 2006 05:31
Antarctic Sea Ice in IPY
"Antarctic Sea Ice in IPY is the coordinated project for the sea ice zone surrounding Antarctica, covering over 20 million sqkm (the size of South America) at maximum extent. Our purpose is to determine, for the first time, the circumpolar year-round sea ice thicknesses in this zone. This effort requires extensive ship investigations, coordinated satellite monitoring and use of underwater technologies such as up looking sonar from moorings and use of unmanned autonomous underwater vehicles. The reflectivity or albedo of the earth's surface represents one of the main determinants of surface temperature and, Antarctic sea ice as one of the most large-scale changeable sources of reflected solar energy therefore represents a major contributor to climate and climate change."
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