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Friday, 09 May 2008 20:45
Edith Fanta
Commencing in August 2008, the University of Akureyri will be offering a Master's Program in Polar Law. This Program is designed for both lawyers (two semesters leading to an LLM-degree) and non-lawyers (four semesters leading to an MA-degree), preparing them for work in both public and private sector, in national and local governments, international organizations, with indigenous peoples of the Circumpolar North, academic institutions and non-governmental organizations, and national and transnational corporations. The deadline for applications is June 5 for Home/EU students and April 15 for overseas students.
The Master's Program will provide a unique focus on Polar Law. It lays emphasis on certain chapters in public international law, such as...
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News And Announcements
Monday, 05 November 2007 20:59
Antarctic Treaty Secretariat
EcoKids is Earth Day Canada’s program for kids who care about the planet. Our website has tons of fun and educational games and activities on a range of environmental topics. Our 2007 theme is ‘Exploring Canada’s North’. We have created a new informational section for this theme along with the following online features:
Northern Seasons – A glimpse of the landscape through the four seasons in Canada’s north.
Mush Rush – A game that puts you in the driver’s seat of a dogsled team.
Canada’s North Quizzes – Three challenging quizzes about the environment, wildlife and people in the north.
Eco-Field Guide Northern Organisms – Information about 24 different species of fl...
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links and resources
Thursday, 27 September 2007 19:34
Sea Ice Day in Brazil: More feedback
More feedback from IPY's Sea Ice Day... this time from Brazil.
Miriam RC, a teacher at Colégio Puríssimo in Rio Claro in Brazil, writes:
I must tell you about the International Polar Day here in Brazil. It was fantastic! At Colégio Puríssimo, about 380 students between 15 and 17 years of age joined together in the school gym to sing a song composed for the planet by one of the girls (the song had been previously rehearsed during my classes).
Then some students and myself followed one of the chemistry teachers into the lab to do the ice experiment and learn more about sea ice. We were all very excited and happy!!!
We're looking forward to the next IPY Day....
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IPY Blogs
Friday, 30 March 2007 20:52
I-TASC FOR THE INTERNATIONAL POLAR YEAR Friday March 30, 2007 : I-TASC settles for two years at Espace Mendes-France, Poitiers, France I-TASC is a decentralized network of individuals and organisations working collaboratively in the fields of art, engineering, science and technology on interdisciplinary development and tactical deployment of renewable energy, waste recycling systems, sustainable architecture and open-format, open-source media. I-TASC is a lichen-like structure sharing and integrating local knowledge, resources and skills across six continents in order to symbiotically engage with common issues concerning the air, ocean, earth and space. The science centre Espace Mendes-France and Ellipse join the I-TASC project to ...
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News And Announcements
Thursday, 08 March 2007 03:27
Virtual balloons for IPY
On March 1 2007, students at schools around the world marked the advent of International Polar year by conducting an ice experiment. They then told the IPY community and the world by pinning a virtual balloon onto a web-based map showing exactly where they were.
It proved to be quite a success, with hundreds of schools contributing so far. IPY enthusiasts also joined in, turning the map into a riot of red balloons.
See the whole map here.
For technical reasons, browsers don't like it if you show too many balloons at one time, so only the most recent 200 balloons are shown. However, you can see all contributed posts directly by browsing the directory from ...
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IPY Blogs
Wednesday, 07 March 2007 07:02
Launch Memories
The International Polar Year has begun. What a week! With US and UK launches on the Monday stirring up media attention, followed by an event in Portugal on the Wednesday and over 20 more national events on the day itself, March 1st 2007, we definitely hit the news!
While traveling to Paris with Nicola, to prepare for the international launch, the phone didn't stop ringing, both sides of the Channel Tunnel and even on the Paris subway system! I was contacted by journalists as diverse as New Zealand Radio, an In-flight magazine, BBC World Service, Vatican Radio, Al Jazeera English, an Italian science magazine, Chinese TV networks, and Scientific American to name a few. During the International Ceremony itself, my phone kept shaking, and afterwards, on a tour of Paris, I saw ...
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IPY Blogs
Friday, 02 March 2007 15:57
THANKYOU to IPY friends around the world
Thank-you to everyone who was involved with launch events, who launched virtual balloons, who launched real balloons (see the Swedish launch web-cast!), those behind the scenes, and those on stage. IPY Celebrations around the world on March 1st, and throughout this week, have been a huge success. You can watch those you missed on the Arctic Portal, or still launch your virtual balloon now, and throughout IPY, to recognise the importance of the polar regions to the whole planet.
Here is a map showing balloons that have been launched around the world (you can zoom in on where you live or zoom out to see the world map!):
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News And Announcements
Wednesday, 28 February 2007 21:47
It's IPY Launch Day!! (somewhere in the world)
IPY launch events around the world can be viewed live at the Arctic Portal. We also encourage everyone to launch a virtual balloon and show how many people around the world care about the polar regions and are interested in IPY. Everyone is welcome to join in, young or old, polar or tropical!
The Official Opening Ceremony takes place in Paris at 11am local time. That is UTC 10:00, or, 1am in Anchorage, 5am in New York, 7am in Santiago, 3.30pm in Calcutta, 7pm in Tokyo, and 9pm in Sydney. You can watch it live or after the event on the web at the Arctic Portal, where you will also find webcasts of other national launch events from around th...
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News And Announcements
Monday, 26 February 2007 02:33
Webcasting IPY Launches
Watch IPY launch events on-line at the Arctic Portal and elsewhere.
Throughout this week, over twenty nations around the world are celebrating the launch of the International Polar Year 2007-2008. New Zealand, Indigenous People, Argentina, and the Ukraine have already held extremely successful events. This week, Monday will see Press and Participants gathering in London, Strasbourg, and Washington DC, and Portugal will be holding their kick-off event on Wednesday. Thursday is the big day, with the Global Launch occurring in Paris at 1000 UTC (1100 local Central European Time) and national celebrations in Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, Greenland, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Norway, ...
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News And Announcements
Monday, 01 January 2007 23:49
ICEFISH - 2007
ICEFISH: International Collaborative Expedition to collect and study Fish Indigenous to Sub-antarctic Habitat.
The Antarctic and the sub-Antarctic offer natural laboratories for understanding the evolutionary impact of climate changes on the marine polar fishes, but there has been lack of access to sub-Antarctic fishes, critical for understanding evolution, population dynamics, eco-physiology and eco-biochemistry of their Antarctic relatives. ICEFISH, the first comprehensive international survey of the Sub-Antarctic marine habitat, is designed to fill these gaps.
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