1. IPY feature projects throughout February
2. Issue of the State of Polar Research Report, Feb 25th
3. Update from HAIS meeting
4. Archiving IPY: a process for storing your critical files for the future
5. Polar Oceans Day : a chance to engage the public
6. IPY Success?
Report no. 22, February 2009
From: IPY International Programme Office
To: IPY Project Coordinators
cc: IPY Community Google Groups
1. IPY feature projects throughout February
Many thanks to all projects and participants who have been busy preparing concise summary and media material for our February profile. In the lead-up to the release of the State of Polar Research report on February 25th, 29 IPY projects will release stories for the media. Already we are seeing a good response in articles around the world, and an increased interest by the international media. More information at:
2. Issue of the State of Polar Research Report, Feb 25th
The State of Polar Research Report will be released on February 25th following a press conference in Geneva at UTC1000. It is embargoed until that time, and will be released to media, under embargo, on February 20th. The report is currently being translated into French, Spanish, Russian, German, Chinese, Inuktitut, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish, & Japanese. If you are interested in translating the report into an additional language, please contact Rhian Salmon ({encode="
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For more details about IPY Activities in Geneva, and around the world, please visit: