Students around the world can debate and discuss life in polar and non-polar communities, and start a dialogue between them. If you would like to get involved, download a flyer in your language, share around your networks, and talk to students in your area and around the world on People Day!
Please download a flyer below (many languages available) or read the activity online at:
Connecting Communities From Pole to Pole
English flyers: Discussion Activity - People Summary
We encourage those classes or teachers with internet access to share their ideas in an online forum at during the week of September 22 (and beyond). The on-line classroom is now live, please register your class ahead of time and look around the site. Please send any feedback about the site to {encode="
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
" title="Kristi Skebo"}.
registration instructions (PDF)
Registration Code: polardaycollaborator
ACTIVITY FLYERS IN MANY LANGUAGES (more languages coming soon)
??(Chinese) (1.13MB) ??(Chinese) (270KB)
Croatian (1.1MB) Croatian (206KB)
Dansk (1.0 MB) Dansk (135KB)
Deutsch (1.04MB) Deutsch (171 KB)
English (1.0MB) English (132KB)
Espanol (1.0MB) Espanol (168KB)
Francais (1.0MB) Francais (170KB)
Greek (1.1MB) Greek (211KB)
Inuktitut (1.0MB) Inuktitut (107KB)
Italian (1.0MB) Italian (161KB)
???: (Japanese) (95.2KB)
Malay (1.0MB) Malay (133KB)
Norsk (1.0MB) Norsk (134KB)
Polish (1.1MB) Polish (191KB)
Portuguese (1.0MB) Portuguese (131KB)
??????? (Russian) (1.0MB) ??????? (Russian) (127KB)
Slovenian (1.1MB) Slovenian (198KB)
Suomeksi (Finnish) (1.0MB) Suomeksi (Finnish) (130KB)
SUMMARY FLYERS IN MANY LANGUAGES: (more languages coming soon)
??(Chinese) (1.1MB) ??(Chinese) (345KB)
Croatian (1.1MB) Croatian (184KB)
Deutsch (1.01MB) Deutsch (142KB)
Dansk (1.0MB) Dansk (112KB)
English 1.0MB) English (122KB)
Espanol (1.0MB) Espanol (152KB)
Francais 1.0MB) Francais (153KB)
Greek (1.0MB) Greek (135KB)
Inuktitut 1.0MB) Inuktitut (124KB)
Italian (1.0MB) Italian (123KB)
???: (Japanese) (100KB)
Malay 1.0MB) Malay (121KB)
Nederlands (1.0MB) Nederlands (137KB)
Polish (1.1MB) Polish (187KB)
Portuguese (1.0MB) Portuguese (123KB)
??????? (Russian) (1.0MB) ??????? (Russian) (108KB)
Slovenian (1.0MB) Slovenian (168KB)
Suomeksi (Finnish) (1.0MB) Suomeksi (Finnish) (106KB)
Other languages on their way.. watch this space!
People have lived in the Arctic for thousands of years developing skills, strategies and community knowledge to survive harsh polar conditions. In recent centuries, resource exploitation and political activities imposed by non-Arctic communities have changed the livelihoods and well-being of Arctic residents in good and bad ways. Now, climate change is adding new challenges to the well-being of Arctic communities. Researchers and Arctic community leaders are working together to study how these changes are affecting the health, education and material well-being, culture, food supplies, natural resources and economics of Arctic communities. By combining ‘western’ science with traditional knowledge, we can learn a lot about people and how they adapt.
Many thanks to Lars Poort for the image of a student in Uummannaq, Greenland
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Tuesday, 17 June 2008 20:34
Local and Global Discussion - flyers in many languages
Written by Rhian SalmonLogin to post comments