Talk to Polar Researchers Studying Land and Life!!
There will be 3 opportunites throughout the week of June 17 - 20th to talk to scientists studying Land and Life. These are
Wednesday June 18th, UTC 1300
This is UTC 1300, east coast US 0900, UK/Portugal 1400, continental Europe 1500, Kuala Lumpur/Beijing 2100, Adelaide 2230, Sydney 2300 PARTICIPATION INSTRUCTIONS
Watch this archived event
Wednesday, June 18th, UTC 1600
[7:00AM HDT, 9:00AM Alaska, 10:00AM PDT, 11:00AM MDT, 12:00PM CDT, 1:00PM EDT] More details and registration
3. Thursday June 19th, UTC 0815
This is UTC 0815, east coast US 0415, UK/Portugal 0915, continental Europe 1015, Kuala Lumpur/Beijing 1600, Adelaide 1745, Sydney 1815 PARTICIPATION INSTRUCTIONS
Watch this archived event
More details of all events are below.
1. Live From IPY! Live Event
hosted by: PolarTrec, ARCUS
hosted from: Fairbanks, Alaska
Date: June 18th
Time:9:00AM Alaska Daylight Time [7:00AM HDT, 10:00AM PDT, 11:00AM MDT, 12:00PM CDT, 1:00PM EDT]
More details and registration
Participating Scientists:
Permafrost scientists attending the Ninth International Conference on Permafrost:
Participants on the Arctic Tundra Dynamics Expedition:
Elizabeth Eubanks and Steven Overbauer

Details, biographies, contact, and background on the Polatrec page
Post-doctoral researcher studying Coastal Erosion in the Alaskan Arctic
Cameron Wobus (University of Colorado)

Location: Somewhere near Barrow - in the field
W2O/IPY/Centra Live Connections between scientists and students
organised by the World Ocean Observatory, W2O, connecting to students at the UNEP TUNZA Children's Conference 2008 in Stavanger, Norway.
!!PLEASE JOIN US!!! All you need is a computer with internet, speakers, and a microphone (or a headset).
2. Wednesday June 18th, Norway local time 1500
This is UTC 1300, east coast US 0900, UK/Portugal 1400, continental Europe 1500, Kuala Lumpur/Beijing 2100, Adelaide 2230, Sydney 2300
3. Thursday June 19th, Norway local time 1015
This is UTC 0815, east coast US 0415, UK/Portugal 0915, continental Europe 1015, Kuala Lumpur/Beijing 1600, Adelaide 1745, Sydney 1815
Participating Scientists:
1. Bird Health (Maarten Loonen, Svalbard) LIVE FROM THE ARCTIC
2. Thermal State of Permafrost (Margarete Johannsen, Jonas Akerman)
3. Coastal Erosion (Paul Overduin, Hugues Lantuit)
Dr. Hugues Lantuit

Hugues Lantuit's research is primarily focused on the impacts of climate change on Arctic coasts. He uses geospatial tools, including satellite imagery, Geographical Information Systems, and photogrammetry to quantify and characterize coastal erosion occurring in permafrost regions of the Arctic, in particular nearby Arctic Inuit coastal
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Margareta Johansson

Margareta Johansson is a PhD student working at the GeoBiosphere Science Centre at Lund University and at the Abisko Scientific Research Station in Sweden. She is working on permafrost dynamics in relation to climate change and its impact on ecosystems in the Abisko area in northernmost Sweden. Her research includes monitoring of active layer and ground temperatures, modelling permafrost development in the catchment and also an experimental manipulation to simulate future climate conditions and its effects on active layer dynamics and biodiversity.
Dr Maarten Loonen

For over 20 years, Maarten Loonen has been ringing and observing geese in the arctic. He tries to understand the problems and dangers in a bird's life in the arctic and the difficulty to produce offspring. He has been studying behavioral decisions (when to fight, run or nest), availability of food (grass and moss) and risk of predation (arctic foxes and gulls) and is now looking at the role of diseases. All these factors vary a lot and respond to climate change. At the time of the live event, the geese are nesting and half-way through incubation. We are counting nests on different islands and read rings to determine who is present.
Maarten Loonen is senior scientist at theArctic Centre and Willem Barentsz Polar Institute, University of Groningen, The Netherlands.
He is also station manager of the Netherlands Arctic Station in Ny-Ă…lesund, Spitsbergen and will be working there from 9 June till 14 August.
Maarrten will be participating in the Land and Life Live Events with a broadcast from there, 79 degrees northern latitude from an international research base in the northernmost village of the world.
Check out his website: with a wealth of pictures in the weblog
Dr. Pier Paul Overduin
Senior Research Scientist
Paul Overduin has worked in the Canadian High Arctic, Siberia, Chukotka, East Antarctica and on Spitsbergen.
Paul is interested where the ground is permanently frozen, how cold it is, and how it is changing. In his current position at the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar Research in Potsdam, Germany, he is concentrating on the way permafrost affects the Arctic Ocean's coastline and on what happens to permafrost after the sea floods the land. He is currently trying to improve our understanding of permafrost in the coastal zone, and how it evolves after inundation. He is also co-leader of an international project studying coastal dynamics in the Arctic.
Watch this space for more information, or email {encode=" This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it " title="Rhian Salmon"}.