Download and replay these great events from the CKLB archive.

For 24 hours on People Day CKLB Radio will be connecting people around the world through an Internet radio stream which can be found at
There will be three opportunities for students to speak LIVE with the radio show announcers and experts. They can also send in questions by email or blog real time questions through the CKLB website (see step by step instructions below).
The times for this event are:
1. Sept 24 UTC 1130, = 1330-1530 Continental European time
2. Sept 24 UTC 1700, = 1300-1500 Americas time (EDT)
3. Sept 25 UTC 0300, = 1300-1500 Australia (Sydney) time
in addition, Radio 2XX, 98.3 FM in Canberra, Australia, will broadcast a special programme on Sunday September 28th, UTC 0130 - 0230 = 1130 -1230
You will find more details about speakers and a schedule for each programme at the bottom of this page
Tune in, stream from the internet, ask questions, and use the information provided to stimulate debate in your classrooms about important IPY projects and issues.
CKLB would love to put your students on the air and allow them to ask participating IPY project representatives questions directly, live during the broadcast. This can be done by providing Kristi Skebo ({encode=" This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it " title=" This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it "}) with a school phone number. CKLB will set up a time with you in advance to connect with your classroom during the program, and allow your students to ask questions live on the air. Please contact Kristi Skebo for more information.
1. Go to
2. Click on “Listen to CKLB Live”
3. If you do not have OctoShape plug-in, a message will pop up on your screen asking you to download it. Under “Do you want to install now” click OK. [**NOTE: Be sure to change your internet browser to ALLOW pop-ups while downloading the OctoShape plug-in]
4. The OctoShape page will open. To download the plug-in click on Get plug-in!
5. Click Run on the pop-up
6. Click Run on the second pop-up
7. Click I Agree on the License Agreement
8. A new pop-up will say your computer is now OctoShape enabled. Click Ok (Don't close the Octoshape page at this stage).
9. At the top of the OctoShape page, click on the “PLAY” tab
10. A list of all the stations available will appear. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the play symbol (?) to start CKLB’s webstream.
1. Go to
2. Click on “CKLB Blog”
3. Go to 'International Polar Year - People at the Poles' and click on "Enter blog"
4. Click on “Post your comment” to post your question to a researcher or community member
5. In Comment Title, type in “Question for (insert name of the researcher you would like to question)”
6. Give yourself a name (for example: student’s first name, class name, location)
7. Type your question in the space provided
8. Click Add to post your comment.
We encourage you to listen to the live broadcast and post your questions in real time. CKLB host William Greenland will try and get to as many as possible.
Below you will find more details about speakers and a schedule for each programme.

For more details and biographies, please visit our Meet the Participants page
1. European Event
Sept 24th at UTC 1130 which is:
0930 - 1130 Greenland
1230 - 1430 UK and Portugal
1330 - 1530 Continental and Eastern Europe, Zambia
1530 - 1730 Moscow, Russia
1930 - 2130 Beijing, China, Malaysia, SE Asia
Grete Hovelsrud, Member of IPY Joint Committee, Member of Norwegian IPY Committee, Leader of Community Adaptation and Vulnerability in Arctic Regions
Gianluca Frinchilucci, Map of Arctic People
Rasmus Ole Rasmussen, Global Change - Social Challenges
Sverker Sörlin, Director, Swedish Institute for Studies in Education and Research, IPY project leader: History of IPY and LASHIPA
Louwrens Hacquebord, Arctic Centre, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Yvon Csonka, Moved By the State
You will need to blog if you want to ask a researcher a question. You can do this by following the step by step instructions listed above.
2. Americas Event
Sept 24 UTC 1700, which is
0900 - 1100 Alaska
1100 - 1300 Colorado/ Edmonton
1200 - 1400 Chicago
1300 - 1500 New York/ Toronto
1400 - 1600 Brazil / Argentina
Cindy Dickson, Canadian National Committee Member, CYFN hosts a Northern Coordinating Office Invoved in caribou/health based project under development.
Claudio Aporta, Inuit Sea Ice Use and Occupancy Project
Andy Mahoney / Shari Gearheard, ELOKA
Martin Jeffries and Kim Morris, The University of the Arctic: Providing Higher Education and Outreach Programs for the International Polar Year
Martin Nweeia, Inuit and Scientific Descriptions of the Narwhal, Connecting Parallel Perceptions: Integrative Studies of the Narwhal with a Focus on Tusk Function
3. Australasian Event
Sept 25 UTC 0300, which is:
1100 - 1300 Malaysia, China
1230 - 1430 Adelaide
1300-1500 Sydney, Brisbane
1500 - 1700 New Zealand
Narelle Campbell, Mawson Research Station Manager
Julia Jabour, Antarctic Tourism
Richie Allan, Sovereign Voices
Max Holmes, Student Partners/Polaris Project
Dana Bergstrom, Aliens in Antarctica
You will need to blog if you want to ask a researcher a question via internet. You can do this by following the step by step instructions listed above.
Please contact Kristi Skebo on This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it prior to the event if you would like to phone in, or be called by CKLB live during the broadcast.
4. Canberra Community radio: Fuzzy Logic Programme
Sep 28 UTC 0130 -0230
which is Canberra 1130 - 1230
Radio 2XX, 98.3 FM in Canberra
Canberra Community Radio’s weekly science program, Fuzzy Logic, will be hosting a special programme in conjunction with People Day. Rod Taylor is the main host and he’s already posted a podcast of some of the interviews he’s done for the broadcast on Sunday Sept 28 from 11:30am-12:30pm. If you live in Canberra, you can tune in live and listen on 98.3FM otherwise the whole broadcast will be available as a podcast. He’s got a 15 minute interview with a penguin specialist and another interview about Macquarie Island (eradicating invasive species) and various other bits & pieces.

Many thanks to the Native Communications Society of the NWT for being the hub of this activity.