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Monday, 03 December 2007 19:30
Norwegian-US EA Traverse: Drilling into fragile snow
Written December 1, 2007
3587 meters above sea level
Today was our second day here at Site 91, and we were again fortunate to have excellent weather to continue with our work. The drilling progressed nicely, reaching 59 meters by the end of the day, while Atsu coordinated the shallow drilling and recovered two more 7 meter cores.
At sites with very little snowfall (less than 10 cm of snowfall each year) and very low annual temperature (mean annual temperature ~ -50 °C) drilling can be a challenge, particularly in the upper 5 meters. Close to the surface, snow grains metamorphose from very...
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IPY Blogs
Monday, 03 December 2007 17:07
Norwegian-US Traverse: Let's call this Site 91...
Written 29 November 2007
3587 meters above sea level
Thanks to the professionalism and dedication of Kjetil and Einar who worked throughout the night, Lasse?s differential gear was replaced and we were on our way to Site 91 by 9:10 am. But it happened again, this time to Chinook. Just as we passed the final 10 km mark to Site 91, she coughed out some weird noises and stopped running. The diagnosis, again, was differential gear failure.
As a result we were forced to stop and establish the camp around 4:00 pm. We are just 8.7 km short of the originally planned location, but where we are now became S...
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Monday, 03 December 2007 18:44
Norwegian-US Traverse: First day at Site 91
Written November 30 2007
3587 meters above sea level
Site 91 is our first major science stop, and today was our first full day here. After a short meeting this morning, everyone picked up where they left off last night. The largest task at the major science stops (Sites 91, 92, 93, 94) is the ice core drilling. This morning, Lou, Stein, Glen and Tom finished setting up the Eclipse drill, and reached 31 meters depth by the end of the day; Atsu and Jan-Gunnar used a hand-powered drill to collect shallow cores; Karsten and Helgard worked on processing radar data and replacing some parts on their systems (and we hop...
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IPY Blogs
Saturday, 01 December 2007 08:19
Japanese-Swedish Antarctic expedition: Report #5
Written 28 November, 2007
3541 meters above sea level
Early Antarctic explorers may have had problems with their sled dogs, but we are now experiencing the problems of modern times — a broken-down traverse vehicle. Just as the day was coming to an end, with just one or two more hours of driving left, one of our four vehicles, Lasse, showed signs of a problem by means of a flashing red light on an instrument panel.
After a through inspection by our super mechanic Kjetil, it turns out that the differential gear (a gear that controls the speed of the wheels when making turns) needs replacing. The front part of Lasse is now covered with a tarp and heated so that maintenance work can be done in the cold of -45 degrees Celsius (air temperature at midni...
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IPY Blogs
Thursday, 29 November 2007 17:19
Japanese Swedish Antarctic Expedition report #4: Better weather
Written 28 November, 2007
3541 meters above sea level
Early Antarctic explorers may have had problems with their sled dogs, but we are now experiencing the problems of modern times — a broken-down traverse vehicle. Just as the day was coming to an end, with just one or two more hours of driving left, one of our four vehicles, Lasse, showed signs of a problem by means of a flashing red light on an instrument panel.
After a through inspection by our super mechanic Kjetil, it turns out that the differential gear (a gear that controls the speed of the wheels when making turns) needs replacing. The front part of Lasse is now covered with a tarp and heated so that maintenance work can be done in the cold of -45 degrees Celsius (air temperature at midni...
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IPY Blogs
Thursday, 29 November 2007 17:13
Vehicles needs some attention, just like a dog?!
Written 28 November, 2007
3541 meters above sea level
Early Antarctic explorers may have had problems with their sled dogs, but we are now experiencing the problems of modern times — a broken-down traverse vehicle. Just as the day was coming to an end, with just one or two more hours of driving left, one of our four vehicles, Lasse, showed signs of a problem by means of a flashing red light on an instrument panel.
After a through inspection by our super mechanic Kjetil, it turns out that the differential gear (a gear that controls the speed of the wheels when making turns) needs replacing. The front part of Lasse is now covered with a tarp and heated so that maintenance work can be done in the cold of -45 degrees Celsius (air temperature at midni...
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IPY Blogs
Thursday, 29 November 2007 17:00
Refueling at Depot 700, Antarctica
Written 27 November, 2007
3542 meters above sea level
We started our day quite early today at 7:00am as there was lots of work to be done. Depot 700 is a site where a fuel-caching party left 127 fuel drums last year in preparation for this traverse. We picked up 122 of them and now are fully loaded with all the fuel needed to reach the South Pole, plus some reserves.
The air temperature during the daytime hovered at around -20 degrees Celsius under a nice clear sky, which made our job certainly much easier than cold, windy conditions. Science also took place here, with Mary, Lou and Helgard working on a snow pit, and Jan-Gunner and Tom drilling a 12m ice core with a hand auger.
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IPY Blogs
Wednesday, 28 November 2007 05:59
LIMA project delivers new mosaic of Antarctica
A new satellite image of the Antarctic continent is now ready for all to see and use. The IPY Landsat Image Mosaic of Antarctica (LIMA) project has been completed and its stunning result is freely available for the first time today. Compiled from over 1000 Landsat scenes, the result is a 15-metre resolution, near seamless and cloudless image mosaic of the continent.
A team from NASA, the U.S. Geological Survey, the National science Foundation and the British Antarctic Survey have worked together for more than a year to produce this uniformly and rigorously processed surface reflectance dataset. In addition to providing sci...
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News And Announcements
Tuesday, 27 November 2007 23:42
Norway-US Traverse: Reaching Depot 700
Written 26 November, 2007
3542 meters above sea level
Today we traveled a further 96.8 km and arrived at Depot 700 (700 km from Troll) at around 19:00. We adopted a little different driving schedule today, starting at 4:00 in the morning instead of driving through the night. The main reason is the chill at night. The thermometer has indicated as low as -43 degrees Celsius during the night! At such low temperatures, we noticed that vehicles were not performing at their best so it has been decided to cover as much distance as possible during the more favourable conditions.
Tonight, 'The Cafe at the End of the World' became the venue of the celebration for Torbjorn's birthday.
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IPY Blogs
Tuesday, 27 November 2007 23:21
Norway-USA Traverse: Making progress across the Antarctic Ice Shelf
Written 25 November, 2007
3481 meters above sea level
Today we covered 70 km toward the next fuel depot (Depot 700); we should reach it tomorrow evening. On these traveling days, those of us not driving spend the time in a variety of ways. Typically, the living (or kitchen) module draws a group of 4 to 6 people who try to get work done while moving, as long as our laptop batteries last. Over the last few days, the traveling surface has been very smooth, and it has been relatively easy to enter data from previous stops, plan what to do at the next stop, read and type.
Others keep an eye on the radars, which are always running while we are traveling. Given the long last few travel days, others try to get some rest in the sleeping module. Our colleagues f...
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