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Saturday, 30 December 2006 10:14
NICE STREAMS: Neogene Ice Streams and Sedimentary Processes
During glacial periods ice sheets move faster along so called ‘ice streams’. Ice streams leave footprints on the seafloor when the ice is grounded below the sealevel. This project aims at developing new models of fast ice flow in ice-streams based on analyses of the geological record of past ice-streams.
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Saturday, 30 December 2006 10:13
SCSCS: Spitsbergen Climate System Current Status
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Saturday, 30 December 2006 10:12
The Economy of the North
The objective of The Economy of the North is to present a comprehensive overview of the economy of the circumpolar Arctic, including the traditional production activities of the indigenous people. The report discusses the importance of the Arctic economy from a global perspective, with particular focus on the natural resources in the Arctic region. Finally, likely effects of climate change on the Arctic economy are discussed.
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Saturday, 30 December 2006 10:12
Students on Ice - IPY Youth Expeditions to the Arctic and Antarctic
STUDENTS ON ICE is an award-winning organization offering unique learning expeditions to the Antarctic and the Arctic. Our mandate is to provide students from around the world with inspiring educational opportunities at the ends of our earth, and in doing so, help them foster a new understanding and respect for our planet.
The Students on Ice - International Polar Year Youth Expeditions series has been endorsed by the IPY Joint Committee as a prominent and valued component of the IPY program. These special IPY-themed voyages to the Arctic and Antarctic offer once-in-a-lifetime opportunities to over 500 youth to explore the Polar regions!
These unique educational expeditions are designed for international high school and university youth. Participants will travel together with teams of polar scientists, experts and educators. The ice-strengthened ship-based expeditions will be unparalleled platforms for Polar and Environmental Education and outreach for the International Polar Year.
The Students on Ice - International Polar Year Youth Expeditions series has been endorsed by the IPY Joint Committee as a prominent and valued component of the IPY program. These special IPY-themed voyages to the Arctic and Antarctic offer once-in-a-lifetime opportunities to over 500 youth to explore the Polar regions!
These unique educational expeditions are designed for international high school and university youth. Participants will travel together with teams of polar scientists, experts and educators. The ice-strengthened ship-based expeditions will be unparalleled platforms for Polar and Environmental Education and outreach for the International Polar Year.
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Saturday, 30 December 2006 10:11
TTAAPP - IPY: Taking the Antarctic Arctic Polar Pulse, IPY 2007-8
Doing science in the polar regions depends on humans performing under the most extreme environmental conditions. By collecting data for a new epidemiological database of health events in Antarctica, this 18-nation project will improve our understanding of how individuals and groups interact in confined environments, and how human physiology adapts to such extreme conditions. The results should help improve the health of polar scientists, help deliver better healthcare in other remote areas of the world, and help space scientists understand the likely effects of isolation on astronauts during long-duration missions.
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Saturday, 30 December 2006 10:10
MARGINS: Measurement and Attribution of Recent Greenland Ice Sheet Changes
Recent changes in surface elevation and discharge speed in outlet glacier systems along the margins of the Greenland Ice Sheet have provided examples of dramatic localized shifts in the balance of ice discharge, surface melt, and accumulation. These rapid changes are in sharp contrast to relatively slow variations in surface elevation in the interior, which have been tied to accumulation and firn compaction variations on a decadal timescale. The challenge of documenting and attempting to understand the processes involved has motivated a large collection of proposed research projects aimed at this problem. These range from expansions of ongoing efforts to new projects, and from individual investigators to consortia from a number of nations. They utilize a range of observational and modeling techniques and exploit evolving capabilities in atmospheric modeling, remote sensing for measurement of ice motion and surface conditions, and surface-based and aircraft-based measurement techniques.
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Saturday, 30 December 2006 10:09
CLUE: Dynamics of Circumpolar Land Use and Ethnicity
Rapid Climate Change (RCC) has serious consequences for indigenous peoples in the north with respect to ethnic mobilization and conflict, change of life style and resource utilization, also their agency on the world stage to secure land and resource rights. Through a combination of research and education in partnership with northern indigenous peoples of Russia, the CLUE initiative has been designed to grasp the resource/ethnicity relation of indigenous circumpolar societies confronting RCC. Although the CLUE project concentrates on the Russian field, material from Fennoscandia and Alaska will serve a comparative purpose. In some respects Fennoscandia, and in other respects Alaska, have carried much further discourses concerning some of the issues which are still in their infancy in Russia.
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Saturday, 30 December 2006 10:08
The search for the Franklin expedition: a new perspective based on Inuit oral tradition
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Saturday, 30 December 2006 10:07
CARP: The Canadian Antarctic Research Program
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Saturday, 30 December 2006 10:06