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POLARPRODS: development of a polar-based photobioreactor for the production of bioactive compounds
CIYCP: Circumpolar Youth Conservation Network
GOA: Greening of the Arctic - Circumpolar Biomass
Polar Books
This is a collective project to produce and promote quality books reflecting IPY themes with global audience appeal. Project members provide resources from their books for use in IPY education and outreach. This is an open project and we invite new authors to have their books considered for inclusion by completing this Polar Books Project Application and returning it to {encode=" This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it " title="Lauren Haney"}.
For more information, please visit the Polar Books webpage.BearHealth: Polar bear circumpolar health assessment in relation to toxicants and climate change
MERSAM (MERcurySeabirdArticMonitoring)
CBMP: Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Program
The Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Program (CBMP) is a global network working together to harmonize and integrate efforts to monitor the Arctic’s living resources.
We have an opportunity before us to vastly improve our understanding of change in the Arctic. While the North experiences growing pressure from climate change and resource development, our current monitoring is fragmented and uncoordinated, reducing our ability to understand what’s going on and therefore, effectively respond.
Arctic nations spend over half a billion dollars monitoring biodiversity – and yet, the return on our investment is poor. The CBMP is working with over 60 global partners to boost our current monitoring effort and deliver the most cutting edge information on Arctic change. Maintaining healthy Arctic ecosystems is a global imperative as the Arctic plays a critical role in the Earth’s physical, chemical and biological balance.