including details of current Arctic expeditions on the following vessels: Polarstern, Tara, Akademik Fedorov, Lance, and Viktor Buinitskiy.
POLARSTERN Press Release (English) PDF (German)
SIPEX: Sea Ice Physics and Eco-system eXperiment
SIPEX Teachers Experiencing the Antarctic
Russian/German floating Ice Station
NSIDC Arctic Sea Ice News Fall 2007
Circumpolar Flaw Lead System Study. PDFs:English Francais
ICED-IPY and Sea Ice (PDF) How Sea Ice affects Marine Ecosystems
IPY Projects
Here is a list of over 30 IPY projects involved in research that concerns sea ice.
Here is a list of sea ice experts happy to be contacted by the media. For alternate contacts, please see the individual project webpages.
Sea Ice Extent Updates
The National Snow and Ice Data Centre (NSIDC) will be issuing sea ice updates 1-2 times per week through the first week of October, marking the end of the 2007 melt season with a formal press release summarizing the data and findings. The special site, Arctic Sea Ice News Fall 2007, includes high-resolution graphics, an RSS feed for automatic notification of updates, and Frequently Asked Questions About Sea Ice.
Polar Image Libraries
Sea Ice and Icebergs (International Polar Foundation)
Sea Ice Images (Australian Antarctic Division)
Ice in the Sea Images (UNEP: Global Outlook for Ice and Snow)
Cool Antarctica Sea Ice Images
ArcticNet Photo Gallery
Circumpolar Flaw Lead Book Gallery
Sea Ice Resources
Sea Ice Glossary (NSIDC)
Arctic Sea Ice News Fall 2007 (NSIDC)
Global Outlook for Ice and Snow (United Nations Environment Programme) graphics, images, background information and an entire chapter on Ice in the Sea
Why We Care: Sea Ice Basics (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory)
Sea Ice - An Antarctic Habitat (Alfred Wegener Institut)
Organisms that Thrive in Arctic Sea Ice (National Ocean and Atmosphere Administration)
Current Arctic Sea Ice Extent (Canadian Cryospheric Information Network)
Plant Growth beneath Sea Ice (National Institute for Water and Atmosphere, NZ)
Sea Ice Primer (US Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory)
State of the Cryosphere: Sea Ice (NSIDC)
The Shrinking Arctic Ice Cap (NOAA) animations, images, latest model results
Image credit: US National Science Foundation