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Inspiring Climate Education Excellence Workshop
10.06.2010 - 16.06.2010 
University of Colorado-Boulder - Boulder, CO, USA


We seek middle and high school science teacher applicants for the NASA-funded “Inspiring Climate Education Excellence” workshop to be held June 10-16, 2010 in Boulder, Colorado.  The purpose of the workshop is to provide professional development and instruction support for teachers who wish to improve their knowledge of climate science and of instructional practices particular to climate education.  To submit an application, see or contact Susan Buhr at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .  This workshop is presented by the Education and Outreach group of the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) at the University of Colorado at Boulder.

Workshop application deadline is March 15, 2010.

Requirements for Participation

Selection of Applicants The workshop will be selective and limited to 24 teachers. First priority will be given to teachers who:

We seek teachers from rural, urban, and suburban settings, primarily from the Colorado region, but competitive applicants from outside this region will be selected as travel funds allow.  Teachers who work in underserved communities and who are interested in but do not currently teach climate and energy topics are especially encouraged to apply.

Stipend Teachers will receive a stipend of $300 upon completion of the workshop and an additional $180 stipend upon completion of all follow-up requirements for the course.

Graduate credit will be available at cost to the participant. Please contact Susan Buhr at  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it for more details.

Setting The workshop will be held on the University of Colorado at Boulder campus.  Lunch and a light breakfast will be provided each day to all participants.

Travel Support. Air, bus, or train travel reimbursement will be available for up to five teachers living outside the Front Range area of Colorado.  For those driving more than 60 miles one way, room, board, and partial mileage reimbursement is available.  Support for parking costs is available; carpooling is encouraged.  Participants may be asked to share rooms.


University of Colorado-Boulder
Boulder, CO, USA