A two week short course for students interested in learning about the marine record of ice
shelf settings and sediment core methodologies will be held at Hamilton College from 11
July to 24th July, 2010. This is an NSF sponsored activity related to IPY and the
LARISSA project (LARsen Ice Shelf System, Antarctica
The dramatic break-up of the Larsen B Ice Shelf in 2002 has captured the attention of the
general public, as well as interdisciplinary scientific study. The short course is designed
to use this catastrophic event as a learning focus to provide students with skills in:
- Marine Sediment core examination, analyses, and interpretation
- Marine Geophysical data base evaluation, including data processing of multibeam swath bathymetry and CHIRP high
resolution seismic profiles.
- Marine microfossil identification and utility
- Organic geochemistry and stable isotope analyses.
- Use of continuous Global Positioning Satellite (cGPS) ground stations to evaluate ice mass fluctuations and the data base
provided by LARISSA cGPS stations
All of the above will be integrated within the context of the marine record of the Larsen Ice Shelf system and regional to
global climate change, using recently acquired marine data sets, sediment cores, and imagery.
Students can qualify for travel costs and stipends (up to $2500 per student) according to qualifications as reported on
applications. Students will be housed on campus at Hamilton College (http://www.hamilton.edu/)) with meals and local
transportation provided.
The course is offered under the auspices of the International Antarctic Institute (http://www.iai.utas.edu.au/) and course credit
is accommodated via the IAI offices at the Univ. of Tasmania and or Hamilton College (Geoscience 285).
Applications (see LARISSA web site) should be completed along with one letter of recommendation and sent to:
LARISSA coordinator
Department of Geosciences
Hamilton College
198 College Hill Road
Clinton New York USA 13323
Or send via e-mail to:
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