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- Title:
- Workshop on Cold Regions Hydrology
- When:
- 28.04.2010 - 30.04.2010
- Where:
- TBD - Innsbruck
- Category:
- Workshops
Dear colleague,
We would like to cordially invite you to participate in the Workshop on Cold Regions Hydrology, to be held in Innsbruck, on 28-30 April 2010. The workshop is organized by the Network of Climate and Cryosphere Research at the University of Innsbruck, the European Space Agency (ESA) and ENVEO IT. The Climate and Cryosphere (CliC) Programme of WCRP and ICSIH-IAHS are scientific co-sponsors of the workshop.
The objective of the workshop is to review and assess recent developments in observations and modelling of the water cycle and runoff in regions where contributions by snow and glaciers are essential. The outcome of the workshop shall provide guidance for future developments in observation systems, data assimilation techniques and modelling for snow and land ice. The topic of the workshop is relevant to scientific preparations for the Cold Regions Hydrology – High resolution Observatory (CoReH2O) mission presently in Phase-A (feasibility) study at ESA, as well as for use of satellite data in hydrological models in general.
The Call for Papers and Workshop Registration are accessible at the following web site of the ESA Conference Bureau:
Yours sincerely,
Helmut Rott, ENVEO & Univ. of Innsbruck
Michael Kern, ESA-ESTEC
Jouni Pulliainen, FMI, Finland
Co-Chairs of Workshop on Cold Regions Hydrology, on behalf of the Scientific Committee
- Venue:
- City:
- Innsbruck
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