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- Title:
- 2010 Ocean Sciences Meeting
- When:
- 22.02.2010 - 26.01.2010
- Where:
- Oregon Convention Center - Portland
- Category:
- Conferences
From Observation to Prediction in the 21st Century
Stewardship of marine resources in the 21st Century demands the development of predictive tools based on models and field observations. The challenge of developing these tools forms the theme of the 2010 Ocean Sciences meeting.
This overarching theme emphasizes efforts to link observations and models to form superior predictions across multiple space and time scales. It encompasses research focusing on some aspect of observations, models, and also field or laboratory experiments that ultimately seek to enhance our predictive ability, as well as efforts focusing on education, outreach, and marine policy.
For more information see
- Venue:
- Oregon Convention Center
- City:
- Portland
- State:
- OR
- Country:
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