

Festivals - Archive

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Date Title Venue Type
06.02.2007 - 11.02.2007 Grand Valley State University Arctic Dance Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA Festivals
08.03.2007 - 12.03.2007 Polar Science Weekend Seattle, Washington, USA Festivals
08.03.2007 - 11.03.2007 Icefest in Boulder Boulder, Colorado, USA Festivals
21.09.2007 - 23.08.2007 Canberra Readers and Writers Festival Flemington Road, Canberra, Australia Festivals
27.09.2007 - 01.10.2007 Art Arctic Festivals
25.10.2008 - 28.10.2008 8th Ernest Shackleton Autumn School Athy, Ireland Festivals
08.02.2009 - 09.02.2009 New York City International Polar Weekend American Museum of Natural History, New York City Festivals