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Conferences and Workshops
- Title:
- Polar Science Weekend, Portugal
- When:
- 31.05.2008 - 02.06.2008
- Where:
- -
- Category:
- Conferences
The Portuguese IPY National Committee are holding a large Education and Outreach event, taking place in the Pavilion of Knowledge in Lisbon, Portugal from the 31st May to 1st June, 2008. This event will focus on Portuguese polar research and IPY activities, as well as on the activities developed in other countries involved in the IPY. This will be an open event for general public as well as teachers and students.
For more information, please contact {encode=" This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it " title="Raquel Alcântara de Melo"}
For more information, please contact {encode=" This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it " title="Raquel Alcântara de Melo"}
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