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Conferences and Workshops


10th International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences
27.08.2007 - 01.09.2007 
University of California, Santa Barbara, USA. -


The International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Science (ISAES) is the major international Antarctic Geoscience meeting convened once every four years that brings together ~400 scientists from over 35 countries. This weeklong symposium in 2007, sponsored by SCAR and the U.S. National Science Foundation, will address major topics in Antarctic Earth science. The meeting will be convened at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) August 26 through 31, with workshops August 26 and September 1, 2007.

The focus of the 10th ISAES-2007, marking the beginning of the International Polar Year, will be Antarctica: A Keystone in a Changing World. A preliminary list of potential symposium topics includes: Antarctic Climate Evolution: Global Linkages from Records in Ice cores, Geological cores, Outcrops, and Models; GeoCryoDynamics: Feedbacks and Coupling between the Geosphere, Cryosphere and Climate; Antarctica in the Global Geodynamic System; Antarctic Earth Science in the International Polar Year; Polar Education and Outreach Initiatives; Antarcticas Impact on Global Biosphere Evolution; New Frontiers in Technologies and Polar Databases.

See the Symposium Website for further details.


University of California, Santa Barbara, USA.