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Monday, 04 August 2008 17:01
In Depth: Map of Arctic Peoples
The Map of Arctic People (MAP) project has been set up to study the culture and the lifestyles of the peoples of the Arctic and subarctic regions and to establish lasting relations based on reciprocal cultural exchanges. The project is promoted within the IV International Polar Year, in collaboration with the Geographic Polar Institute of Fermo, CNR-Polarnet and under the patronage of CAI (Italian Mountain Sports Association) Executive Presidency.
The purpose of the project is to draw up a map meant to be a work of reference for students and researchers, where the concept of Arctic is defined not only from the geographical viewpoint but especially in its essence as the cultural backbone of the peoples who live there.
Many fundamental elements will serve to ma...
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News And Announcements
Friday, 01 August 2008 19:47
Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears: Issue 5: Water, Ice, and Snow
A new issue of the Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears magazine is ready to view! Issue Five, Water, Ice, and Snow, uses the polar regions to better understand the water cycle as well as states and changes of matter. As always, the issue includes:
Science and Literacy content knowledge
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News And Announcements
Saturday, 19 July 2008 02:09
Environment Canada launches IPY web site
A 150-meter ice core pulled from the McCall Glacier in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge this summer may offer researchers their first quantitative look at up to two centuries of climate change in the region.
The core, which is longer than 1 1/2 football fields, is the longest extracted from an arctic glacier in the United States, according to Matt Nolan, an associate professor at the University of Alaska Fairbanks Institute of Northern Engineering who has led research at McCall Glacier for the past six years. The sample spans the entire depth of the glacier and may cover 200 years of history, he said.
“What we hope is that the climate record will extend back into the Little Ice Age,” said Nolan. “Up until the late 1800s these glaciers were actually gr...
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News And Announcements
Saturday, 19 July 2008 02:01
Researchers at Newcastle University Join POLENET
A 150-meter ice core pulled from the McCall Glacier in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge this summer may offer researchers their first quantitative look at up to two centuries of climate change in the region. The core, which is longer than 1 1/2 football fields, is the longest extracted from an arctic glacier in the United States, according to Matt Nolan, an associate professor at the University of Alaska Fairbanks Institute of Northern Engineering who has led research at McCall Glacier for the past six years. The sample spans the entire depth of the glacier and may cover 200 years of history, he said. “What we hope is that the climate record will extend back into the Little Ice Age,said Nolan. “Up until the late 1800s these glaciers were actually gr...
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News And Announcements
Tuesday, 15 July 2008 16:01
Call for papers: Arctic Frontiers 2009, Tromso
Contents: 1. Report from St Petersburg meetings and conference 2. Plans for February 25th, 2009 3. Upcoming Polar Days: People & Above The Poles 4. Call for Sessions at Oslo Science Conference June 2010 Report no. 15, July 2008 From: IPY International Programme Office To: IPY Project Coordinators cc: IPY Community Google Groups 1. Report from St Petersburg meetings and conference Many members of the IPY Community are currently meeting in St Petersburg and Moscow for a range of business meetings as well as participation in the SCAR/IASC Open Science Conference. So far, the events have been a great success. We have so far participated in meetings for the IPY Joint Committee...
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News And Announcements
Friday, 11 July 2008 15:53
IPY Report: July 2008
Contents: 1. Report from St Petersburg meetings and conference 2. Plans for February 25th, 2009 3. Upcoming Polar Days: People & Above The Poles 4. Call for Sessions at Oslo Science Conference June 2010 Report no. 15, July 2008 From: IPY International Programme Office To: IPY Project Coordinators cc: IPY Community Google Groups 1. Report from St Petersburg meetings and conference Many members of the IPY Community are currently meeting in St Petersburg and Moscow for a range of business meetings as well as participation in the SCAR/IASC Open Science Conference. So far, the events have been a great success. We have so far participated in meetings for the IPY Joint Committee...
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News And Announcements
Wednesday, 09 July 2008 04:00
Australian Antarctic Magazine, issue 14, now available for download
What's it like to be a research scientist working in the Arctic and Antarctica? In celebration of the International Polar Year, the Exploratorium gave polar scientists cameras and blogs and asked them to document their fieldwork in real time. The result is a groundbreaking Web-based project, Ice Stories: Dispatches from Polar Scientists (, where you can follow along on the scientists’ research, ask questions, and share ...
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News And Announcements
Wednesday, 11 June 2008 17:48
Students on Ice is currently accepting applications for the 2008 International Polar Year Arctic Youth Expedition, taking place August 2nd-17th, 2008.
The ship-based program joins students aged 14 to 19 from around the world with a team of 30 world-renowned scientists, environmentalists and polar educators. The experience serves as a powerful platform to create change, inspire, educate, give cause for hope, and raise awareness about the impacts of climate change and other environmental issues facing the Arctic region.
Applications are being accepted until all spots are filled. ...
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News And Announcements
Wednesday, 11 June 2008 15:39
"Friends of IPY" mulitply
There is no way one web site can report on all IPY activities around the world. That's why we started Friends of IPY, a list of regularly updated news and blog sites dealing with the poles and IPY-related activities. You can see the most recently published stories from all these sites on the right hand side column of the front page of This makes it easy to keep up to date on all things polar.
With the recent addition of the Students on Ice Blog to "Friends of IPY", a list of regularly updated news and blog sites dealing with the po...
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News And Announcements
Wednesday, 11 June 2008 14:50
Students on Ice 2008 IPY Arctic Youth Expedition accepting applications
Students on Ice is currently accepting applications for the 2008 International Polar Year Arctic Youth Expedition, taking place August 2nd-17th, 2008.
The ship-based program joins students aged 14 to 19 from around the world with a team of 30 world-renowned scientists, environmentalists and polar educators. The experience serves as a powerful platform to create change, inspire, educate, give cause for hope, and raise awareness about the impacts of climate change and other environmental issues facing the Arctic region.
Applications are being accepted until all spots are filled. ...
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News And Announcements