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Monday, 08 September 2008 21:31
Second call for papers: Arctic Frontiers 2009 Scientific Conference (Tromso
The scientific conference of Arctic Frontiers 2009, Arctic marine ecosystems in an era of rapid climate change (18-23 January 2009 in Tromso
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News And Announcements
Monday, 08 September 2008 15:26
IPY Report: September 2008
Contents: 1. People Day: September 24th 2. Conferences: Global Cryosphere Watch, Arctic Change, and AGU 3. EU funding opportunity for polar research 4. Arctic Sea Ice 5. Join an IPY Photo Exhibit 6. APECS Report no. 17, September 2008 From: IPY International Programme Office To: IPY Project Coordinators cc: IPY Community Google Groups DATA REMINDER - HAVE YOU AND YOUR PROJECT PARTNERS DEVELOPED YOUR DATA MANAGEMENT PLANS AND CONVEYED THOSE TO THE IPYDIS? 1. People Day: September 24th Many thanks to all who are participating in this month's polar day focuss...
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News And Announcements
Thursday, 04 September 2008 21:53
International Polar Year IV: Context and Promise, A Second-Year Course Yukon College and University
Course Announcement, 15 September - 15 December 2008
For further information, please go to:
Or contact Amanda Graham, Email:
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Yukon College and University of the Arctic announce the Fall 2008 international offering of the online course, International Polar Year IV: Context and Promise.
This second-year-level, multidisciplinary course presents an overview of the historical and scientific context of the fourth International Polar Year 2007-2008 and offers an examination of its development, planning, and execution. T...
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News And Announcements
Thursday, 04 September 2008 20:34
Now Accepting Applications - PolarTREC Teachers 2009/2010
Now Accepting Applications - PolarTREC Teachers 2009/2010 Teachers and Researchers Exploring and Collaborating Arctic Research Consortium of the U.S. Teacher Application Deadline: Monday, 29 September 2008 For further information, please go to: Or contact: Email:
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Phone: 907-474-1600 -------------------- The PolarTREC (Teachers and Researchers Exploring and Collaborating) program is currently accepting teacher applications for the third year of teacher research experiences. Teachers are invited to submit an application to participate in field research learning experiences during the 2009 (Arctic) or 2009-2010 (Antarctic) f...
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News And Announcements
Thursday, 04 September 2008 19:24
Educational IPY photo-exhibit - call for submissions
Call for submissions
POLES APART // PULLING TOGETHER is an educational photo exhibition that will honour and celebrate the contributions of polar science research to the betterment of society globally. The exhibition highlights
achievements in Arctic and Antarctic research of the International Polar Year (IPY). It will feature in international venues beginning in February 2009.
The exhibition connects the science research in two of the harshest environments on Earth, the Arctic and Antarctic, to the social and cultural response to climate change in t...
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News And Announcements
Tuesday, 26 August 2008 04:53
Researchers: Host a PolarTREC Teacher
Call for Researcher Applications
Host a PolarTREC Teacher (Teachers and Researchers Exploring and Collaborating)
Researcher Application Deadline: Monday, 8 September 2008 Teacher application information will follow shortly.
For further information, please contact:
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or visit the PolarTREC website:
PolarTREC is currently accepting applications from researchers for the third year of teacher research experiences. Researchers are invited to submit an application to host a PolarTREC teacher in the Arctic o...
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News And Announcements
Monday, 25 August 2008 20:41
SEPTEMBER 24TH: International Polar Day: People... GET INVOLVED!!
The next International Polar Day is in ONE MONTH: on September 24th we will be focussing on People and the Polar Regions. There are many ways you can get involved.. please consider some of the following, share with your networks, and let us know if you have any feedback or further ideas. Links to the following planned activities can be found from the sidebar at 1. Launch a Virtual Balloon: show the involvement of your class or school in this event and watch balloons flying around the world. Launching instructions are available in several languages or email your loc...
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News And Announcements
Tuesday, 12 August 2008 19:39
Sixth International Conference on Arctic Social Sciences (ICASS VI)
Press release
Bremerhaven August 7th 2008.
The German Research Vessel Polarstern had to prove its ice breaking capabilities in Arctic waters to gain data on two series of long-term research measurements. After working in regions up to latitude 82° N, Polarstern of the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in the Helmholtz Association will enter port in Reykjavik (Iceland) on August 10th. “This year, we had to cope with exceptional heavy ice coverage”, says chief scientist Prof. Gerhard Kattner. The sea ice covered the Arctic almost down to latitude 72° in southern direction. Perpetual winds from the Northwest have moved the ice into the central area of the Fram Strait since the beginning of summer. The main focus of the expedition lied ...
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News And Announcements
Tuesday, 05 August 2008 19:41
IPY Report: August 2008
Contents: 1. IPO in August 2. September 24th: People Day 3. Oslo Science Conference, June 2010: Call For Session Ideas 4. AGU 5. Arctic Field Season Report no. 16, August 2008 From: IPY International Programme Office To: IPY Project Coordinators cc: IPY Community Google Groups 1. IPO in August Please note that the IPO will not be working at full potential during the month of August as Nicola, Dave, and Rhian are away from the office at different times. Please be patient if the response time is slow, and call our mobile phone numbers if an immediate response is required. 2. September 24th: People Day The next Polar D...
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News And Announcements
Monday, 04 August 2008 17:19
"The Lords of Tundra" exibition tours world
On occasion of the IV International Polar Year, Italian researchers of the Project “Map of Arctic People set up a touring historical-photographical exhibition focused on polar regions, called The Lords of Tundra, in order to spread the knowledge over arctic populations and lands. Protagonists of the lens are the Ural Mountains chain, the Arctic ocean being objects of significant transformations produced by the recent climate changes - and, above all, Nenets (or Nency) population, inhabiting the ice of Jamal Peninsula, in Siberia. Nency people are nomadic breeders founding their existence on reindeer breeding, thus constituting one of the last...
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