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Thursday, 08 January 2009 19:33
New issues of the Australian Antarctic Magazine
The Australian Antarctic Division (AAD) has published several further issues of the Australian Antarctic Magazine:
The latest issue of the Australian Antarctic Magazine (Issue 15, 2008) looks at the changes wrought in Antarctica by the signing of the Antarctic Treaty 50 years ago; ocean acidification; and Australia's science program for 2009. It is also available as a PDF.
Issue 13 looks at the connections between Antarctic science and policy and how the Australian Antar...
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News And Announcements
Friday, 17 October 2008 12:22
Antarctic Sea Ice Workshop on "2007 IPY Cruises": 22-24 March 2009
Under the auspices of the SCAR project Antarctic Sea Ice Processes and Climate (ASPeCt) and the Antarctic Sea Ice in IPY project for International Polar Year, we are holding a workshop on 22-24 March 2009 in Il Ciocco, Lucca, Italy.
The main purpose of the workshop is to review and establish joint data analyses from two late-winter cruises to the Antarctic Sea Ice Zone both made during Sept-Oct 2007. An extensive satellite remote sensing campaign with designated IceSAT altimetry, RadarSAT images, and EnviSAT ASAR images coincided with the surface measurements. SIMBA (Sea Ice Mass Balance in the Antarctic) activities along 90W longitude in the Bellingshausen Sea are summarized here, while SIPEX (Sea Ice Physics and Ecosystem...
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News And Announcements
Friday, 17 October 2008 11:53
Cape Farewell expedition debriefing: Oct 21, London
Dana Centre Event
Tuesday, 21 October 2008
7:00 - 9:00 pm
Tickets are free
Reserve your place
And so we return from our Arctic expedition - Western Greenland has worked its magic. 10 days of exploration, discussion and debate, and it turns out we were right all along, climate change is happening!
In the icy cold - catching a satellite link where we could - we beamed back daily blogs, images, video and sound to our Disko Bay site. Visit our website to find out more about what we got up to in the Arctic and the first responses of voyagers to climate change. Thank you to all those who have followed the expedition online and continue to support our work.
On Tuesday, Oc...
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News And Announcements
Wednesday, 15 October 2008 20:57
Call for Abstracts for IPY Session at MOCA Joint Assembly, July 2009
IAMAS, IAPSO and IACS invite the international atmospheric, oceanographic and cryospheric research community to MOCA-09, their Joint Assembly, to be held 19th July to 29th July 2009 in Montréal, Québec, Canada. The call for Abstracts is now open.
Please note the following session:
Session: J03 International Polar Year – Early Results
Convenors: Michel Béland (IAMAS), Ian Allison (IACS), Karen Heywood (IAPSO)
Abstract: This symposium provides the first opportunity after the official end of the observing period of the International Polar Year 2007-2008 (1 March 2007 to 1 March 2009) to report new results from IPY projects. The session will particularly highlight interdisciplinary results ad...
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News And Announcements
Sunday, 05 October 2008 22:46
US Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) launches new website
The US Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Office announces the launch of the new SCAR website.
The new and improved US SCAR Office website is easy to navigate and allows viewers to quickly find specific items of interest. The site provides links to: US SCAR Team contact information, a guide to SCAR, data and information resources, early career opportunities, SCAR communications plans, SCAR partners network, SCAR Scientific Research Programs, and a photo gallery.
The site has many direct links to the main SCAR website and provides the latest information on SCAR News and Forthcoming Events. ANSWER email digest items are posted on the website's front page directly above a series of "Links of Interest."...
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News And Announcements
Friday, 03 October 2008 20:08
Poles Apart // Pulling Together: call for IPY Images
Calling all photographers - we want your thumbnails! Poles ApartCall for submissions PDF We are looking for your thumbnails, but before inflicting any bodily harm, bear in mind that we are looking for thumbnail images. Are you interested in helping to build a legacy for this fourth IPY? Have you taken digital photographs that tell the story of your work, or more generally of polar science? Please consider submitting them to the IPY-endorsed exhibition Poles Apart // Pulling Together, a project that celebrates IPY contributions to the global good. It only takes a few minutes to make your submission of thumbnail images, to be considered for this exci...
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News And Announcements
Thursday, 02 October 2008 19:35
Call for Abstracts for International Polar Year Session (J03) at the MOCA Joint Assembly: July 2009
IAMAS, IAPSO and IACS invite the international atmospheric, oceanographic and cryospheric research community to MOCA-09, their Joint Assembly, to be held 19th July to 29th July 2009 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. The call for Abstracts is now open. Please note the following session: Session: J03 International Polar Year Early Results Convenors: Michel Béland (IAMAS), Ian Allison (IACS), Karen Heywood (IAPSO) Abstract: This symposium provides the first opportunity after the official end of the observing period of the International Polar Year 2007-2008 (1 March 2007 to 1 March 2009) to report new results from IPY projects. The session will particularly highlight interdisciplinary results addressing the IPY themes of assess...
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News And Announcements
Wednesday, 01 October 2008 15:24
IPY Report: October 2008
Contents 1. IPY Oslo 2010 Science Conference: Deadline for Session Proposals 2. Conferences: SACNAS, COP 14, AGU 3. Polar Days: People; Above The Poles 4. Please update your project page 5. Data Reminder 6. Schedule for February Report no. 18,October 2008 From: IPY International Programme Office To: IPY Project Coordinators cc: IPY Community Google Groups 1. The IPY Oslo 2010 Science Conference: Deadline for Session Proposals Please note the deadline for session proposals for the IPY Oslo 2010 Science Conference: 24 October 2008. We heard many potential session ideas in St Petersburg: the need or opportunity for comparisons, integrations, intercalibrat...
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News And Announcements
Wednesday, 01 October 2008 05:39
Call for Abstracts: Lessons from Continuity and Change in the 4th IPY; March 4-7, 2009
Meeting Announcement and Call for Abstracts: Lessons from Continuity and Change in the Fourth International Polar Year
Date: 4-7 March 2009
Location: University of Alaska Fairbanks
Deadline for abstract submission: 15 November 2008
Deadline for early registration: 31 December 2008
The University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) and the Inland Northwest Research Alliance (INRA) are now accepting abstracts and registration for their co-hosted symposium, Lessons from Continuity and Change in the Fourth International Polar Year, to be held 4-7 March 2009 at UAF.
Oral and poster presentation abstracts should be submitted via the symposium website by 15 November 2008.
Accepted presentations will be programmed into thematic...
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News And Announcements
Monday, 15 September 2008 02:12
ASLO-09: Call for papers
American Society of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) Aquatic Sciences Meeting
Nice, France, 25-30 January, 2009
Two special sessions at the upcoming ASLO meeting that may be of interest to those involved with the International Polar Year.
Session titles are below, followed by a session summary.
Abstract deadline 3 October, 2008
Special session 099: IPY-GEOTRACES: Trace Elements and Isotopes in Polar Oceans
Convenors: Marie Boye, LEMAR, IUEM, Technopole de Brest-Iroise, France,
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; H.J.W. De Baar, Department Ocean Ecosystems, University of Groningen, The Netherlands, debaar@ni...
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News And Announcements