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Thursday, 25 January 2007 01:03
ANDRILL'S ARISE 2007 Program - teacher application procedures
ANDRILLs ARISE Program is seeking educators with a broad background in science activities and professional involvement indicating excellence in science education. All applicants must have at least 3 years science teaching experience in a K-16 school or institution, not including the current school year. ARISE (Antarctic Research Immersion for Science Educators) is a component of the ANtarctic geological DRILLing (ANDRILL) Program, which seeks to understand the geologic history of Antarctica through the study of core samples and data recovered from drilling below the seafloor at sites beneath the ice shelf and sea ice. The ARISE goal is to raise public awareness of Antarctic scientific drilling and integrate polar geosciences content into a wide range of learning environme...
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News And Announcements
Wednesday, 17 January 2007 20:36
Arctic Energy Summit - Call for Papers
The Arctic Energy Summit is issuing a Call for Papers for its Technology Conference to be held in Anchorage, Alaska October 15-18, 2007.
The Summit, an approved International Polar Year Program, is a US-led initative of the eight-nation Arctic Council amd is comprised of three components:
* The technology conference and industry exposition which will bring together 600-1,000 researchers, academics, government leaders, students, industry, and residents of the Arctic;
* The creation and deployment of an international Arctic energy action team whose recommendations will be reported at the 2008 Arctic Council Ministerial meeting in Norway;
* An education and outreach component which will include a bilingual (Russian and English) summit website and, ...
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News And Announcements
Friday, 12 January 2007 00:48
IPY Graphics Elements - from Norway
Norway has developed a set of Visual Profile Elements for IPY. These include images, collages, fonts, colour schemes, textual graphics, and style manuals. The 'International Polar Year 2007-2008' text at the top of this and every other page of this web site comes from the Norwegian products; several other national IPY web sites use the same textual elements. We use other Norwegian-designed elements in our printed materials, and I use the textual elements, images, fonts and colour maps in all my presentations. We do not insist on the use of these elements, or declare them as the IPY standard. Instead, we feel very pleased to offer them for use by IPY participants, secretariats, and national organisations. Norway makes them available at no cost to the user. IPY IPO thanks the Norwe...
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News And Announcements
Saturday, 16 September 2006 07:22
Polar Exploration: Going to Extremes! An Art Contest for Children
Do you think the North and South poles are boring, lifeless places that have no impact on your life? Think again.
The planet's northern (Arctic) and southern (Antarctic) polar areas are teeming with plants, animals and even people. Polar bears and penguins aside, these icy regions at opposite ends of the globe are important pieces in Earth's climate system.
An art contest for grades 2-4 challenges U.S. students to pick a polar region, explore it and then draw a picture showing what they learned. This is the 11th annual art contest held by the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES) in Arlington, VA. The contest supports national science education standards for grades K-4.
The winning artist will receive a $250 savings bond, and hi...
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