What happens at the poles affects us all: Launch a virtual balloon
Launch a virtual balloon to show your participation in this International Polar Week: What Happens at the Poles affects us all!
Please launch a balloon and let us know what type of activity you are doing this week. Here are some suggestions for bringing activities into the classroom that focus on the global impacts of the changes in the polar regions.
Take a look at where other people are taking part in October Polar Week 2009:
Add your own contribution to the map! Here are simple instructions how:
- Log in to Tagzania.com. If you don't already have a free account, sign up for one first.
- In the top right-hand corner of the page, click on "Add a new place".
- Find your exact location using the tools provided. Drag the balloon the the precise spot you want to mark on the map.
- Add a title for your balloon, and add description and web links if you like.
- Important: write ipy2009polarweek in the Tags textbox.
- Click on Save. You are done! Your balloon will now appear on the map as soon as you refresh this page in your browser.
If you have difficulty launching your balloon, email your name, location (latitude, longitude or town, country), and IPY message to ipy.balloon@gmail.com . It may be 24 hours, however, before your balloon appears.
The map is dynamically updated. As soon as a new location is tagged with "ipy2009polarweek“ it will show up the next time it is refreshed. Try adding yours, and then refreshing this page. (Only the 200 most recent are shown, but all are listed.)
Return to Main October Polar Week page.