Wasa station — January 26, 2008
We have been at the Wasa station now for two days and we have been sleeping, washing and celebrating the successful expedition. The last weeks went very smooth and were scientifically very productive and successful. So we were a happy team arriving Wasa on the 24th. We will now do some complementary field studies and start the packing of equipment. The transports will start in a week from now and they will take approximately 14 days until all personnel is back in Sweden. The Japanese team has now reached their final destination and will fly the other day to Syowa station. The snow and ice samples were flown to their ship Shirase yesterday.
Per Holmlund and Tomas Karlberg
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Tuesday, 29 January 2008 06:03
Report from the Japanese-Swedish Antarctic Expedition #22
Written by Sweden/Japan TraverseLogin to post comments