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IPY 2007-2008


The 7th International Workshop on the Micromorphology of Glacial Sediments
17.05.2010 - 21.05.2010 
Queen Mary University of London - London, United Kingdom


The Seventh International Workshop on the Micromorphology of Glacial Sediments

Dept of Geography, Queen Mary University of London,
The Centre for Micromorphology UoL
May 17-21, 2010

convened by
Jaap J. M. van der Meer1 John Menzies2 James Rose3

Simon Carr1, Adrian Palmer3, Mark Tarplee1

1 Queen Mary, University of London, London, U.K.; 2 Brock Unversity, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada;
3 Royal Holloway, University of London, London, U.K.

This Technical Workshop will introduce participants to the concepts, methods and application of micromorphology as applied to tills and associated glacigenic sediments.  In the microscopic examination of glacial sediments a new and exciting field of enquiry has been opened up.  Micromorphology supplies both new questions and alternative answers to some fundamental issues within glacial sedimentology.  Specifically the description and analysis of thin sections will be the central focus of the Workshop. However, the debate as to the origins, means of deposition and/or emplacement of tills will not be avoided.

The Technical Workshop is directed foremost at PhD students, while faculty, and practicing geoscientists interested in tills and associated glacigenic sediments are encouraged to apply as well.  The workshop will consist of some introductory lectures followed by hands-on microscopy. The objectives of the workshop are to instruct attendees in: sampling techniques, methods of impregnation, sediment descriptions and interpretations, and in the general language and taxonomy of micromorphology.  Lectures on the development and evolution of micromorphology, the use of microtomography for 3D analysis will intersperse with discussions of specific class-set examples from the course leaders’ archive collections of thin-sections.

Midweek, participants will be set a test of selecting one thin section which is to be presented (described and analysed) to the group on the friday afternoon. For those interested in a short presentation on their own research and the potential for micromorphology in it, there will be breaks throughout the week.

In order for every participant to have continuous access to an instrument the maximum number is set at 20. Unfortunately accomodation is not available on campus this time of year and participants have to find their own accomodation in town. The registration fee for PhD students is £ 100 and for others £ 200. This will cover handouts, consumables, technical support, refreshments and a formal diner. Participants are expected to attend the full five days of the course and to be familiar with the petrological microscope, glacial geology/geomorphology and basic structural geology.

For a detailed programme and registration form please contact Jaap JM van der Meer at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


Queen Mary University of London
London, United Kingdom