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Saturday, 30 December 2006 09:58
DRAKE BIOSEAS: Seasonality of the Drake Passage Pelagic Ecosystem
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Saturday, 30 December 2006 06:07
POLENET: Polar Earth Observing Network
POLENET will deploy an ambitious array of geophysical instruments across the polar regions in order to study the complex interplay between climate, ice sheets, geodynamics, and global sea level change. POLENET geodetic and seismic observations, paired with other types of geophysical measurements, will greatly improve our understanding of high latitude Earth systems. This international collaboration of 24 countries will involve scientists, students and educators at all levels, and will further advance our capability to deploy autonomous instruments in extreme environments
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Saturday, 30 December 2006 06:01
POLAR-AOD: a network to characterize the climate-forcing properties of aerosols in polar regions
The proposed activity aims at establishing a bipolar network to obtain data needed to quantify properties of aerosols at high latitudes, including seasonal background concentrations by measurements of aerosol optical depth (AOD), spectral characterizations, and the evolutionary patterns of the natural and anthropogenic processes that perturb the aerosol cycles. An effort to quantify direct and indirect climate forcing by polar aerosols will be made through a set of closure experiments using observations in conjunction with model calculation and satellite data.
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Saturday, 30 December 2006 05:56
EBESA: Environmental, Biological, and Ecological Studies in Antarctica
Internationally Coordinated Studies on Antarctic Environmental Status , Biodiversity and Ecosystems
EBESA will study the effects of climatic and environmental changes, and the impact of man-made contaminants, on organisms and ecosystems of northern Victoria Land, James Ross Island, and Patagonia. We intend to establish possible sources, deposition patterns, and biological effects of persistant pollutants. We will also collect key organisms, such as moss and lichens, in order to study their origin and evolutionary response to different climate and environment.
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Saturday, 30 December 2006 05:38
CASO: Climate of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean
CASO aims to enhance understanding of the role of the Southern Ocean in past, present and future climate, including the overturning circulation of the Southern Ocean, water mass transformation, atmospheric variability, ocean-cryosphere interactions, physical-biogeochemical-ecological linkages, and teleconnections between polar and lower latitudes. CASO will deliver
improved climate predictions, from models that incorporate a better understanding of southern polar processes; proof of concept of a viable, cost-effective, sustained observing system for the southern polar regions; and provide a baseline for the assessment of future change.
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Saturday, 30 December 2006 05:37
AMES: Antarctic Marine Ecosystem Studies
The extraordinarily rich and productive Southern Ocean has been commercially exploited for more than 200 years. As the region is increasingly affected by climate change, understanding the impact of these changes on marine ecosystems is vital if we are ensure that these waters are exploited sustainably. Drawing together fisheries scientists, oceanographers and acoustic engineers from 14 nations, this study will provide a detailed and integrated view of large marine ecosystems – the environment, food supply and main predators. It will deepen our understanding of the impact of human activity on Antarctic ecosystems, and help develop precise and effective management strategies.
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Saturday, 30 December 2006 04:34
BIPOMAC: Bipolar Climate Machinery
There is now clear evidence that the effects of recent and past climate changes have varied in magnitude across of the world. Some changes over periods of thousands of years seem to have affected the Arctic and Antarctic regions alternately, and this has been called the “bipolar see-saw” effect. The BIPOMAC project will collect and examine climate records in sedimentary sequences spanning the past five million years from both polar regions. These records will provide a basis for analysing the complex interactions of environmental processes that have caused the observed patterns of climate variation. Improved understanding of such processes and their interactions will increase our ability to forecast future climate and sea level change.
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Friday, 29 December 2006 05:52
PPS Arctic
PPS Arctic: Present day processes, Past changes, and Spatiotemporal variability of biotic, abiotic and socio-environmental conditions and resource components along and across the Arctic delimitation zone.
PPS Arctic investigates the causes and consequences of changes in the circumarctic treeline zone, using fieldwork and remote sensing to study and model temporal and spatial aspects of ecological, social and cultural factors. Changes in the zone affect Arctic ecosystem processes, resource availability and the entire Arctic climate through changes in tree and shrub cover and in albedo, with global consequences.
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Friday, 29 December 2006 01:47
ORACLE-03: Ozone layer and UV radiation in a changing climate evaluated during IPY
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Friday, 29 December 2006 01:34
ANDEEP-SYSTCO: Antarctic benthic deep-sea biodiversity
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